Ruck Cohlchez ?

Upvoted because I had the same reaction.

Closed captioning had it as "Shawn," for what that's worth.

Aww, do you need a safe space?

Where does "being intensely confrontational on the Internet about clam chowder" rate in Michael's book?

"There I was, whipping out fliff like a sultan. Not even counting it. Buying everyone whatever their heart desired. Even Trevor."

I don't know that it gets much use, but I'm trying to get it to catch on. Like I said, I think it's much easier to tell at a glance what it refers to. I have to think about CEG, and thinking is be mad.

Yeah, I see people complain that "the show wants us to choose a team" and I don't think that's true at all. I think the show is doing everything it can to highlight that Rebecca needs to solve her own problems, that no relationship will fix them. I think people see a love triangle and assume they're supposed to take

I think "CXGF" is better and I feel a lot more strongly about this than I should. I think it's just because it's so immediately identifiable as to what it stands for. "CEG" could be a lot of things.

Yeah, I don't believe he did it intentionally. But I think he saw the looks exchanged between Rebecca and Josh, and he decided, consciously or not, to self-sabotage rather than do his best to keep her and risk getting rejected.


Whoa, Irene Molloy! She was in this, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, and then nothing else ever again!

I see episode writers mentioned fairly regularly.

Goth Brooks? Don't you mean Chris Ga— Oh. Oh. I see it's been done already. My apologies. Good night.

Do you do anything with your comments besides shit on things?

"Joshbecca"? I thought we were doing "Bunchan."

Ha, great connection!

Yeah, LaToya said Holt was treating Boyle with more respect than usual, but I dunno if "as a pimp to a prostitute" should really count as that.

Maybe so, but that could have been a warning to not get stuck in a loop, I guess. I just like the idea that Jason is as dumb as a construct that recently had her mind erased.

Ooh, good point.

I think the closed captioning had it as "pleurigloss."