Ruck Cohlchez ?

…and as he finished typing this sentence, he adjusted his trilby with a smirk. "Yes. I have Out-Logicked another person on the Internet."

I think it's a neat little nod to the racism of the era that Exley's fictional thug is Italian. (See also "What do I get if I give you your balls back, you wop cocksucker?")

Happy Endings had so many dirty jokes they slipped in. "I thought it was the European spelling," "I thought you loved Double Penn," etc.

I know the captions spelled it "Diaria," but we can all agree it was "diarrhea," right?

Yeah, this was a 30 minute commercial for Disney World.

No, the AV Club is just cutting out a ton of their TV coverage, which was one of the most consistently readable sections of the site.

It's a real shame that the only female characters the Simpsons writers had to choose from in the real world the show documents were all nagging shrews, like you say. If only they had the option to write their own female characters with other personality traits.

I'm a big fan of the eleventy-twelvth, myself.

The only thing more tragic is that Gil Gunderson isn’t higher on the list.

I've been using "biffed" for a little while now. I'm not sure where I picked it up.

Yeah, the difference is that one of those direct quotes actually happened and the other didn't.

I thought it was Kuchi Kopi.

Sublime's self-titled album has two different versions of "What I Got" on it.

I got a good laugh out of "appropriation," too. Because a white person living in southern California would never have reason to use Spanish normally!

Wouldn't they have told the rest of the squad that that was the case? They've been gone six months, what other explanation is there? "Hey, Nine-Nine, Jake and Holt just disappeared for no reason!"

I know you're not joking: I grew up steeped in so much of that Catholic tradition I know all about the over-the-top sorrow and suffering.

Fuck, isn't the block feature great?

Why would you even say that? Like every review of this show keeps repeating "PLEASE DON'T SPOIL FUTURE EPISODES." And in every comments section, people do it anyway. Jesus. What did your comment even add to the discussion other than "I know what happens!"?

Hey, she's an agent, not an accountant.