Ruck Cohlchez ?

No Rouxgrets is amazing. Is there some combination Anthony Bourdain / Paul Prudhomme celebrity chef in the BoJack-verse?

"I tried, but this camera-phone camera is not the same camera-phone camera as mine."

Yeah, he's pretending to be straight, and doing a very stereotypical version of that, but he still can't stop being his essential Ray Holt.

I always enjoyed George Carlin's nickname for Catholic school: "Our Lady of Perpetual Motion."

Is your Jake making too much Holt all the time?

Yeah, but using Hannibal as a reference for realistic violence is like using Looney Tunes as a reference for realistic violence.

Thanks for your contribution.

I think you could say that about just about anyone who realistically could have done it. I figured it was likely enough people thought Brown was involved that Russell being the shooter will still be a surprise.

I could see Ms. Abbott being the trigger woman, and I could see the shooting being unconnected to the car bombing. I just couldn't ignore that Russell seemed to be trying really hard to get Gamby to incriminate himself at the flagpole, which suggested to me he had some kind of plan to take him out and pin that on Ms.

Ooh, interesting theory.

If he lives. That was a lot of blood.

It almost makes me think of In the Company of Men, or of Capt. Dudley Smith's "eye for human weakness": Russell has sensed the discontentment in Gamby that he could exploit to push him into this monstrous behavior, and like In the Company of Men, it's the tempted, not the tempter, who is bearing all the consequences

I mentioned how I couldn't help but notice that Russell was speaking in a way that seemed like he was trying to incriminate Gamby, but I also noticed that, as far as I remember, all the physical evidence connected to the crimes, and to the things Russell did, actually points to Gamby:

Russell is a complete sociopath. Did you see the joy he took in humiliating Brown? I wouldn't put this past him in the least.

My biggest sticking point on Russell pulling the trigger himself is that I think we would have heard him on the radio.

I think Lee Russell did it.

I totally see that. The totally flat affect that conceals a gift for insight into people.

Mike? Mike Birbiglia?

"Life During Wartime"
