Ruck Cohlchez ?

"mentally retarded enough to think my political values reflect my moral character"

I thought we might get some barbs about Manning's sexual assault at UT, but nope.

I'd rather listen to Is This it? than read Everything Is Illuminated, but as used the comparison fits quite well.

I think Jonath Insufferable Fool might faint to death if he read that.

That Strokes comparison is fucking inspired.

Hey, don't talk about Zima like that.

Wally P. Doyle!

The fact that the conversation takes place during a both continue to pantomime holding the car is a great visual detail

I am disappointed at the lack of Mr. Show in this writeup. Van Hammersly. Brink Flanks. Yale Hadderity. Willips Brighton. Famous Mortimer. Larry Kleist. Byron de la Beckwith VII. (or is it XXIII? I forget.) Anthony "One-Time" Branca. And me, Tommy Wommy O'Meara.

They come with free toppings.

The mistake isn't that people saw through your shit; it's that you're going to learn nothing from this.

I mean, Shitshow was a literal turtle.

Why can't people avoid saying anything about the future episodes? Why is that so hard?

I was wondering if anyone in this review noticed Shitshow was an actual turtle!

Why is it so hard to not spoil things for other people?

Anything from Jason Forrest's The Unrelenting Songs of the 1979 Post Disco Crash.

WARNING TO ALL: These comments are full of spoiler-posting assholes.

No, the reviews explicitly say NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS, and you went and posted one without any warning. Why the fuck is it so hard to keep your mouth shut for a day or two and respect the people who don't insta-binge TV because they have lives?

What don't people in these goddamn reviews understand about NO SPOILERS FOR FUTURE EPISODES?!

I feel like there's some dark tragedy coming— like the events of the school year force Russell to re-examine himself and his life, decide what he really needs for it to be worthwhile, and he turns over a new leaf… and then, oh yeah, he gets arrested for that arson he committed.