Ruck Cohlchez ?

Hooray for Fergs and an Another Period review!

Hall played Floyd Gondolli in Boogie Nights. Robert Ridgely was the Colonel.

The Gaffigans are a pale alien race best known for their ability to convert Hot Pockets into diarrhea.

Or wondering about what parallel universe contains this Best Week Ever with Mr. Hutchinson.

Tough call, but this is my favorite album.

…for a few more years, anyway.

"Why'd you stop, motherfucker?" is the darkest joke I've seen in a movie in a long time.

It became much more bearable once Gamby drops his act of trying to impress her and was just honest with her.

Hayden is lucky Snodgrass isn't possessed with, say, Russell's vindictiveness and lack of scruples. Russell would have done something between "get Hayden fired" and "torch Hayden's car."

"I'm used to seeing people promoted ahead of me— friends, coworkers, East Timor— I never thought it would be my own wife."

Totally not related to this week at all, but I'm still getting a good laugh at the fine arts teacher being named "Seychelles". I wonder what other obscure island nations staff North Jackson High.

Ah, now I remember!

Shit… I don't even remember what his role on Justified was now.

Is there a part 2 of this? This says part 3 and the link at the beginning of the article goes to part 1.

I was really worried Lee would cause a forklift accident when he kept badgering Neal. In hindsight maybe that was foreshadowing that Russell was getting cocky and careless.

I don't know if "Chief Whigham" is an AutoCorrect error, a Freudian slip, or a deliberate pun, but it's brilliant.

"I'm down ten thousand dollars"— the money she tried to plant in her boss' ex-wife's car.

Wow, what version has the explicit lyric? I just watched it on Netflix and I'm pretty sure it was the "spit in your eye" one.

Feel the rhythm float away…
Steal the rhythm of today

I didn't think this special was nearly as preachy as Cross' reputation (or, to be fair, some of his past work). It surprises me that so many people reacted negatively to it.