Ruck Cohlchez ?

Hmm… I don't rightly know. I guess I could see it, but I don't know that it's really that specific, given the differences in the two situations.

The Simpsons
The Shield
Arrested Development
Mr. Show
The Kids in the Hall
The State

Well, uh, I thought he hit him in the skull too, so, I am less assured. And now you can be, too!

Oh, man, it's a treat. Season 1 is just about perfect.


Start of Darkness, or as I think of it, The Tragedy of Redcloak… it (along with #830 and surrounding comics) show him in a whole new light. Now we know he's not just a lackey; we know why he's committed to the Plan, we know why he thinks it's too late to back out or find an alternate approach… We know why it stings so

What we saw, though, was someone who defined her daughter's life by financial and career success, not by whether she had found happiness or resolved her mental health issues. And that phone call was berating Rebecca for not making what her mother considered optimal choices— certainly nothing that could help her going

Very well said.

Funny to see the homoerotic subtext of Gamby and Russell's relationship made text.

"In space, no one can hear you fart." - rejected tagline for Gravity

Monster has really grown on me. I mean, I liked it then, but mostly for the singles, but now I agree it's generally underappreciated.

2)New Adventures in Hi-Fi

I have largely liked the show, although I wasn't a fan of episode 3— I don't like when a half-hour of comedy is almost entirely cringe comedy, and I don't think it told us anything about Gamby we didn't already know. (Mostly, it seems to have been a setup for the teacher obsessed with Gamby and for Chekov's Dossier to

I think there absolutely are racial undertones in the show, and I think the show demonstrates them without being explicit about them: Unlike other commenters, for example, I think it does matter that it was a white family judging the Browns at the hotel, and I think the Percival High pep rally literally lynching a

I'll say this - a lot of the frustration around works of art that "empathize" with angry white men, is that there are so few works of art out there in the zeitgeist finding ways to empathize with people from other groups.

Yeah, I know it wasn't just Clear Channel, but they were the most notorious— they owned something like 35% of FM radio stations within a couple of years.

This is my favorite Pearl Jam album.

Telecommunications Act of 1996.

I often wonder if the Telecommunications Act of 1996 played a role in killing alternative as a radio genre. A lot of those acts in the 90s were pretty weird and didn't fit under the same umbrella. I mean, not even the "grunge" bands sound the same, let alone the other acts that had hits on alternative radio at this

Yeah, it's the point where the critic goes from examining the issues to demanding the author say X, Y, or Z that they lose me.