Ruck Cohlchez ?

Nah, I don't think the age difference is nearly that pronounced in the show. She's closer to 30 than the 16 she is in the books.

Well, I certainly wouldn't use "unbelievably perfect" to describe Ramsay.

Instead of a cavern full of Wildfire, it's sports cars.

Yeah, I got it. I was referencing a different, similar pun regarding a suicide by defenestration.

Yeah, someone else mentioned it would have been nice to get at least some kind of clear confirmation that Cersei considered Tommen dead to her after aligning himself with the Faith and denying her a trial by combat, but I don't know if we really needed it. Especially since we did get her almost total lack of reaction

I always liked "It's a fine blade… Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it." *waits for victim's eyes to go wide in recognition, then runs blade through his throat*

But who does have a claim? The line of succession is dead, and there aren't even any other Baratheons around to claim it (save one bastard we haven't seen in three seasons). Not to mention, of course, nobody actually has the resources to press a claim right now. (Maybe Olenna, if she wanted to bring the Tyrell army to

…Waring Hudsucker?

Not sure if sarcastic, but I am pretty sure I pay more attention to the details than the actual writers do.

"a young girl"? She's the queen - and, I might add, the queen responsible for uniting the Crown and the Faith. It seems like she's the one person he should definitely listen to as regards scheming and power grabs.

Part of me wanted a scene where Cersei tells Tommen after blowing up the Sept, "I did it all for you." And Tommen responding "No, you did it for yourself," then jumping.

Great Job Cutting TV Club So You Have More Space for Stuff Like This, Internet!

"Harvard's Memory Loss Clinic, established in 1952, 1967, and for the first time in 1981."

All her acting energy goes into pretending she's enjoying it, eh?

What does "Gary Stu" mean in this context?

That's why you had me do that?!

Yeah, Margaery was one of my favorite players in the game and I'm bummed she's gone. She was also the only person smart enough to realize something was seriously wrong, while the dumbass Faith Militant just forced everyone to remain in the death trap.

I almost think at this point, they assume we know what the answer is, and they were trying to emphasize Bran learning the knowledge.

I really, really wanted the baby to have Jon Snow's face badly Photoshopped onto it.

There are bad reviews male and female at the AV Club, but the nasty personal stuff, that often goes past the boundaries of acceptable behavior, and is usually for items as silly as episode grades, is more often directed at female reviewers.