Ruck Cohlchez ?

Damn, no more coverage? Not enough views? That's a shame; I really like this show, and I always enjoy reading LaToya's reviews.

This definitely made it sound like Lilian thought they were a crime family.

"I have a mustache!"

I don't think anything about Sansa says she's naive at this point. Not to be crude, but I think the only thing she's counting on with Littlefinger is that he'll go with her plans if he thinks they might get him in her pants.

I still listen to it. It hasn't gotten stale in the least.

What kinds of things has he said? I've never listened to the podcast and I haven't read him regularly in a long time, so I don't have much of a frame of reference for these comments.

"I never make demands, but I'm up for anything, really" was pretty smooth.

I really want this to be true because it's a terrific explanation. Unfortunately, every time this season that I or another viewer have come up with what I think is a well-thought-out explanation of a scene, that explanation doesn't happen.

Point being, she didn't need hindsight to do it. Even if she didn't know the details, exactly what she said would happen did happen.

I guess Sansa is a sociopath, then.

Which other article?

Unfortunately, this is really the only way any of this makes sense. (Unless you assume that events in the same episode do not necessarily take place concurrently in time.)

I mean, she tells him "He likes to set traps. Don't do what he wants you to do." And then the first thing he does in the battle is ride head-first into the trap Ramsay sets for him.

woke up this morning
looked in the mirror
said "I'm gonna go talk shit on a Game of Thrones review on the internet to feel better about myself"

It's cute that you think that. Mostly, though, it's highly educational regarding the chances of ever gleaning anything positive from talking to you.

Sansa just impassively watching the dogs tear Ramsay apart before walking away was some ice-cold shit. She's all grown up now.

Yeah, I'm no medieval history expert, but the rate at which the Bolton archers continued to fire even made me say "Huh, that doesn't seem realistic."

Sansa crushed this episode. She was right that Rickon wouldn't survive. She was right that Ramsay would bait Jon. And she raised the army that saved the day when Jon's dumb ass ignored her advice and walked straight into Ramsay's trap.

I'm trying to educate you

I actually felt we took a step back; Tyrion's brief lecture about Aerys seemed to take hold. "You're talking about destroying entire cities. It's not that different."