Ruck Cohlchez ?

This writer rarely cares about what happened on screen, so much as the ability to eyeroll to an off-kilter interpretation of it.

"Fuck you, Dad, I've been freezing my dick off because you hate me. This is the first decent meal I've had in years and may be the last. Fuck yes, I'm having another roll, and fuck no, I'm not fat enough to deal with the cold north of the Wall."

I don't think Arya had a change of heart. I think she never changed it in the first place. At heart, she's still Arya Stark and she wants revenge. And she can't bring herself to commit murder for hire.

This week on Salon: "How Game of Thrones broke its strongest female character"
Two weeks from now on Salon: "Oopsie-poo"

"Stop trying to change the past and change the past!"

"A man is fat. His family is boring. A girl has a sword. A boy rolls his eyes."

Apparently she's a perfect match from behind.

Clark Kent if his secret identity was the Zodiac Killer.

Given that Sam understands the stakes, and that Valyrian steel is one of the only things that can kill a White Walker, I'd say so, yeah.

The campaign skills of Clinton with the policy expertise of Trump! Also, the self-regard and lack of tact of Trump.

First Jonah immediately blew up at his very first focus group and I was howling with laughter. I knew the Ryan campaign was going to have those nightmare moments, but I didn't think the first one would be so soon.

Anyone else notice that, thanks to the play Arya was watching, we finally got the line about Tywin Lannister shitting gold into the show?

Someone else in one of the comments sections suggested that Jaqen knows this and is sending the Waif after Arya assuming Arya will kill her— neither of them are cut out to be Faceless Men.

Yep, June 15.

Let's get Bill Walton to play Jonah's dad.

It definitely feels different. Like, it can still be really funny, but I feel like some of the density of the jokes and dialogue has been lost this season.

I honestly didn't know where it was going— although when she started talking about all the guys who "weren't right" I might have been able to clue into it— but I thought there was a chance that, given that Selina's mother apparently willed everything to Catherine, that it might have been something like "Yeah, I'm

"Bad Brains, Black Flag, and Fugazi have sent you preemptive cease-and-desist letters…"

You can see more of him being a dick when Another Period starts back up in a couple of weeks.

Me too. I had to pause the episode I was laughing so hard. Like, I knew he would implode somehow on the campaign trail, but I didn't expect him to do it so quickly and so severely.