Ruck Cohlchez ?

"Sue, did Charlie call?"

Killed me how blatantly he missed the first time he swung, and they clearly cut to someone else doing it right.

Yeah, I just looked him up— he hasn't appeared since the third episode. Not surprised they don't remember him.

Funny enough, all three were raised by different means.

Yeah, I wonder how much we'll actually get of the Citadel. I don't know if they really have time to fit much of it in. There's always so much going on in this show.

I'm increasingly wondering if Dorne only existed to have somewhere to send Myrcella to get killed.

Hey, I don't think we got blood or tits this episode!

I saw he made some comments about it that were spoil-ey, but I really only have two ideas for what it could be, and one of those doesn't need any new characters, so I'm guessing the other one.


Yeah, I don't blame Myles for speculating — all that stuff really stands out to me.

Hmm. I suppose that's true, too. I just think she's too clever to be broken or buy into this sincerely. It wouldn't track with what we've seen.

I don't think so either, but at the same time, I think he's better off now than he would have been had the Tyrell army tried to take the Sept. (Assuming, in this case, alive > dead.)

Man, I would have loved a Python-esque moment of humor, like someone from the crowd yelling "Wait, she lied to protect 'er family? Tha's it? Tha's wha' all this shit is fer?"

It sure seems like she's gonna have to!

Ahh, I didn't even pick up on that. Weird how a few years and a different show can make a performer seem totally different.

I've definitely felt like they've hit that note hard this season.

a better life that more closely resembles a beer commercial

What I like in story-telling that the Sopranos doesn't have - and clearly deliberately doesn't have - is structure.

What I like in story-telling that the Sopranos doesn't have - and clearly deliberately doesn't have - is structure.

Let's not forget that it was the idea of two Native American writers on the show's staff.