Ruck Cohlchez ?

Mostly I hate that people can't avoid talking about the future episodes even in the slow-watch reviews.

Mostly I hate that people can't avoid talking about the future episodes even in the slow-watch reviews.

Black Dennis, start the car!

Black Dennis, start the car!

"So the Stark men are named Edward, John, Rob, Brandon, and Richard?"
"No, no, it's Eddard, Jon, Robb, Bran, and Rickon! Because fantasy! Also, all the knights are called 'Ser' instead of 'Sir.'"

"Blurst Job, Internet!" is a more accurate title for the feature anyway.

Her reference to Tyrion "having heard all this before on the Long Bridge of Volantis" — is she supposed to be the same priestess who saw him when he and Varys arrived on Volantis? Because they're clearly not the same actress.

BOTH originals. It's better than "American Pie" AND The Phantom Menace.

"More asbestos! More asbestos!"

Isn't that what they did this episode, by making her first target the actress who played Cersei in the play— putting her in that conflict?

Boy, your phone's AutoCorrect is just not down with Game of Thrones names, huh?

Given that they reside on some rocks nobody else wants, their whole thing is raiding, and all their attempts to invade the continent have all gone badly, I'm not sure they are a functioning society.

Am I the only one who is suspicious of Littlefinger's report of Blackfish taking back Riverrun? I don't know what his aims would be in lying to Sansa, though. I'm just inherently inclined to mistrust him.

Yeah, I'm not buying "disgusted" here yet. Brienne seems more unnerved— I suspect she isn't used to that kind of attention.

I'm sure somewhere in Westeros someone has found a severed ear in a field.

I could easily buy that Homer only looked for people with the last name "Simpson" or people who were in the Official Family Tree or whatever (Herb wouldn't be). Anyway, it's easily enough explainable that it didn't bother me.

I get the criticisms of the thin plot and the gags that wear too long— I'm not sure I'd get much out of a second viewing— but I laughed a lot, well enough for me to recommend it. There are a lot of funny details in the good parts. (Why is the Mysterious Abandoned Warehouse a Rock-a-Fire Explosion factory?!)


The idea that wealth and power inherently corrupt is not a new one, so I think in that sense his point is reasonable. Of course, I think "using violence to punish people for their sex lives" is not reasonable in any sense.

In the show she is imprisoned for perjury regarding Loras' "crimes."