Ruck Cohlchez ?

I'll clarify… The first season, once in a blue moon display of fire proofness also happened in the books and it's hinted that there's some magic involved.

Really? I think "Dany is immune to fire" is pretty consistent, and other people are coming up with reasons why it's flawed, mostly to do with the books handling it differently, or with the logic chain of "Dany is immune to fire, but not all Targaryens are, so that's an error."

Ha! I've been playing Icewind Dale recently. (GOG had a D&D sale a few months back.)

Haha. "Come on, fucker, touch me!" Followed by a Looney Tunes or Benny Hill-style chase scene.

How is it any more arbitrary than any storytelling decision, ever? If Dany wasn't special, she wouldn't be one of the main protagonists in this story.

No, I fully agree. I think people are really eliding the differences between the scenes. Frankly, it seems like they're oversimplifying that all scenes involving Dany, fire, and Dothraki are the same.

The Dothraki understand power. Dany just killed all their leaders AND demonstrated she's immune to fire. That's power.

Ramsay also wasn't born to play the good son.


The episode began with Jon and Sansa reuniting, then planning to take back Winterfell. It ended with Dany taking command of the Dothraki horde. How are those "nothing"? I'm not even including everything that happened in between.

I think just because it's part of the Stark tradition, and as a bastard, he wouldn't be inheriting any lands or titles anyway.

I don't mind when regular contributors or community members link to work they've done. But it's pretty gauche when your entire comment history is going to various TV sites to spam your own work.

Only see one "hysterical" person in this discussion, amigo.

You ought to rethink your definition of "nothing."

"In conclusion, Hatesong is a land of contrasts."

Ugh, people who spam their blogs but never contribute to the discussion on site are the worst.

Upvoted because I understand the sentiment, even if I don't carry it myself. Then I remembered it was my mother's 70th birthday today, and I felt horrible. That's probably a sign I'm unfit to work in Veep's White House.

Great post, but this is season six.

The story ends with the White Walkers overrunning Westeros, before a final scene of Dany in Mereen, after executing some slavers: "You know, I think I'm getting the hang of this ruling business!"