Ruck Cohlchez ?

I really, really want to believe it was 2. Because I remembered the clause as well, and I want to believe in "Fuck yeah, I'll do a scene where I'm so powerful I can be naked in front of thousands and they still bow to me." It's like the exact opposite of the Walk of Shame in that regard.

Yeah, Jon is getting the help, he just doesn't know it yet.

"GOD, Mom, she's MY wife. Stay out of it!"

"You use the same knife to eat your food and stab people?"
"Don't ask me to put on airs!" - Frank Reynolds Ramsay Bolton

I actually didn't mind this one as much because I felt like Ramsay intentionally left that knife out to test Osha. I think she probably lives if she hadn't gone for it.

Frank Reynolds would have been proud of his knife usage.

Meanwhile, her expression was the nonverbal equivalent of Tina Belcher's "eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…"

"We've got to get Margaery out of the dungeon, the holidays are coming up—"
"Oh, we don't want you spending the Crown treasury getting Egg all glittered up for Easter."

I was proud of him. He actually asked his mother an unpleasant question! That's progress.

Yeah, the problems of this article don't represent a problem with feminism; it's a problem with myopia and trying to get attention on the Internet.

Is that North?

2 Dead 2 Pool

I never did find out if he fixed the cable.

Ha, I just realized how much that description makes her character sound like a sweary version of her Firefly character.

I don't remember much pooping in the movie. But Deadpool does seem like one of the better bets for a superhero who would take a shit on his enemy's desk.

Kind of ironic given their name.

Has anyone mentioned Bob's Burgers? I think it sets an unrealistic standard for people shaped like bowling pins to expect them to also move like earthworms.

Right— one of his most celebrated movies is about him, in his 40s, having a relationship with a high school student. We're not even talking about subtext here.

Teenage boys are not children. They're post-pubescent. That's why terms like "hebephile" and "ephebophile" exist.