Ruck Cohlchez ?

Naw, I really don't have any talent.

Good ol' Clint's Salsa is easy to deface:

I suspect the real reason Gene got TV privileges was because Bob didn't think to hide the remote, but that he gave Louise a reason that would work with Children Logic.

No, I think it's specifically rain boots. The kids probably rationalize it as "they're made to soak up liquid!"

Yeah, okay. I guess I just don't remember him going on longwinded pedantic expository dialogue like he did this episode.

Well, I didn't until I looked up what the "E.W." stood for.

Wait… The Grinder is good? Is that what you're telling me?

This episode was the first one I felt some things were "off" in a way that suggested Iannucci's departure might be noticeable:

Yeah, it didn't make sense that Furlong would have stolen Mike's reservation at the restaurant, and it really didn't make sense that Will's wife would agree to spending their anniversary night with that man.

Referring to Heat as "De Niro - Brenneman" killed me.

I mean, isn't this really the first time we've kind of caught Ned telling a fib (other than Jon being his bastard son)?

Game of Thrones is an extraordinarily expensive show to produce, though.

Can't wait to bust out the "Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!" line if this comes true.

Yeah, well, read the comments.

"Curses! She has a Spell of Contractual Protection over her!"

Hmm, i definitely don't remember that guy.

Isn't it weird that every show Brandon Nowalk reviews, comments like this show up? It's almost as if he's not very good at his job yet keeps getting work anyway.

In the real world, HBO has a finite amount of money and has said repeatedly that Game of Thrones is too expensive a production to make more than ten episodes a season. I don't know what else to tell you.

The guy who offered to tell him about the Yellow King and then "committed suicide" in custody? He killed two people when he robbed the pharmacy. He wasn't innocent.

"Hey! This guy's paying out!"