Ruck Cohlchez ?

Your last sentence is yet another in the parallels between Ramsay and Marlo Stanfield. "At least I got to wear the crown."

Are you just discovering, in season six, that the AV Club does two reviews? Really?

You are obviously not familiar with Brandon Nowalk's ability to project whatever themes he wants to see in a show onto that show.

That's not odd. Brienne knows she's an outlier, and, not knowing Arya, probably expects she would be dressed as a typical member of a noble family (or like, say, Sansa).

Roose seemed to have a blind spot for Ramsay, in that he thought Ramsay's desire for his respect and approval was enough to keep Ramsay from killing him.

A drama that's dramatic, what a bad idea.

I didn't see it in frame, but when that scene started I definitely thought "Huh, so one of them is going to stab the other."

Yeah, this too. We never actually see him do anything, just talk big and glad-hand the president.

Ahh, I just opened the thread to comment along similar lines. He was going to fly to Nebraska!



In the end, Ramsay's body will be divvied up so that each house who has a grievance against him can get a piece to display or torture or whatever.

Game of Thrones turned into Veep so gradually, I hardly even noticed.

"Not 'What am I reading', but 'What am I reading for'?"

Go fuck a bag of glass.

He really wants that Tom Bombadil movie.

Complete with "SPLAT" sound effect when it hits the camera.

I think the threat he delivers before Balon reaches for his dagger pretty well signals his intentions, though.

RIP Balon: You yelled at your kids about the "iron price," ordered a bunch of boneheaded invasions, then were murdered by your brother.

"Ain't no civilizin' this motherfucker." - Roose Bolton