Ruck Cohlchez ?

OK, he joined one season before Mike Scully took over and has one writing credit from season 8, one of its weakest episodes. Everything else is true.

What is with people on the internet who have to extrapolate any statement anyone makes to apply to everyone in the world and then sarcastically sneer at it? "Hi, I purposely misinterpreted what you said so I could snark." Did his statement really offend you so badly you felt the need to respond like this?

I don't think he was even inhaling.

I'm hoping it'll be more complicated than that, since him just being a huge asshole seems like an obvious redirect, but I did think he was playing Richard and Erlich.


You sure seem fixated on the idea that one group of people having information another doesn't is akin to public masturbating.

I see it as similar to Preacher, but more… gentlemanly.

The first trailer of this I saw, my thought was "Well, it's about goddamn time someone went Maximum Goggins and cranked his Southernness to 11." Those suits!

Sure. But DEFINITELY scheming.

"Change the channel! It's time for Murder, Rape, and Rape Again, She Wrote!"

While Margaery and Loras are being imprisoned by the church? I doubt it.

Yawn. You show up a week after the discussion ended to pick a fight? Find something better to do with your time, bubba.

What style is it?

Gimme that…

Game of Thrones has become pretty timey-wimey the last couple of seasons.

I'm with you on the best line, Kate. For some reason, Sargent Shriver references crack me up (to say nothing of the actual content of the line).

I found it amusingly realistic. Like, yeah, those guys are part of a wandering tribe that rapes and pillages and fights for fun. Of course that's what they talk about.

Roose was awesome this week. "You played your games with Lady Stark… and now she's gone. … You'd better produce an heir… otherwise, well let's hope the Maesters are right and Lady Walda is carrying a boy."

"Would you like me to dig a grave? Or have the men build a pyre?"
"Actually… I need a few minutes. We'll talk about it later."

That was outstanding. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the hardest I laugh all night, and I really like Veep and Silicon Valley.