Ruck Cohlchez ?

What it comes down to, for me, is that

I… totally missed that detail. Thanks.

Nick is much more Ron and Winston is like some April/Andy hybrid. (April's weirdness and fondness for animals with Andy's energy.)

I was waiting for some kind of breakthrough where they explain to Winston, "Pranks are LIGHTHEARTED and FUNNY! These are obnoxious and tiring!"

I'll put it to you this way. Which do you think Chuck would prefer?

I love "handful". Do they not have cups or bowls or anything?

No, I'm just sick of dealing with self-righteous asses who think they're capable of judging the character of others based on what they like about television.

I'll freely admit I've dealt with people like Chuck in my own family— people who saw themselves as superior to me and tried to undermine me and hold me down, and I wasn't even a petty criminal. I was just someone who, like Jimmy, didn't do things the way they, like Chuck, considered the "right" way, and things came

It was, but after the second one I expected the third one to suck.

Ah, another self-righteous Internet Commenter who thinks condemning people who root for Jimmy makes him a Good Person. Fuck off.

Yes— I love that the team found useful roles for Scully and Hitchcock! They really did need all hands on deck to take down Figgis.

Christopher Walken?

I too feel like the faster pace raises the stakes. I wouldn't have wanted a season finale with a slow, expository first act, especially not to close out a multi-episode arc.

Here's my advice to you:

Wow, of course Harris Wittels was born on 4/20.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. I loved the first one, it was the summer after I graduated high school, and I talked my dad into taking me to see it on one of the few occasions we would get to spend together before I left. (I had previously successfully won over his initial skepticism over Beavis and Butt-Head

Madonna and I share a birthday. I have no other information on her because other people already answered the questions I did know the answers to.

What can I say, you act like a "Walt is a Gangsta" bro, you get bro'd.

Don't "bro" me while you completely misrepresent my words and also completely ignore everything Chuck has done. ("Pretty much even the most vile person loves someone" - I don't think there's evidence Chuck loves anyone but himself.)

I think it's extreme and crazy-town to call people who identify with Jimmy, a person who has shown real care and devotion for the people in his life, including his clients, a "sociopath." It is a good way to demean and dismiss those people, though. But it does indicate you don't know what "sociopath" means.