Ruck Cohlchez ?

I believe Chuck's perspective has narrowly framed Jimmy as incapable of doing right, ever, and that he's deliberately held him down as a result and never given him a chance to do so. I believe he formed this perspective out of childish resentment for Jimmy's charisma. I don't think anything he did in his younger days

It's great. Maybe my favorite sitcom ever. If you've liked these reviews, Donna did a whole series on the show.

So close. It's "Czech rok luck." You know, rok, R-O-K, like how Billy Madison spelled it to win the spelling bee.

"He's a douche" is not just something you can say to handwave awful behavior.

Have we already forgotten Trapper John, M.D.?

Can people stop using this as a catch-all insult because someone didn't like their favorite show as much as they did? Just come up with a response to the argument instead of an insult, for fuck's sake.

I remember Racist in the Year 3000, from the same episode as the butt plug sketch…

Why do you assume this will happen?

Nah, I think we have to look at people's honest motivations. Jimmy's honest motivations have been by and large to help people— even if he cuts corners doing it. Chuck's motivations have been by and large to hold Jimmy down out of resentment— even if he claims it's out of a belief in the sanctity of the law.

Dude, "klick with a K" is a military term for "kilometer." And you can make anagrams out of lots of things that don't have any attached meaning, because humans see patterns in places there aren't any.

You seem to think everything Chuck does is justified because of Jimmy's ethical lapses. I don't. I don't believe Chuck's ends, even if his motivations were as noble as he claims (they're not), justify his means.

Chuck's yet to reveal himself as anything other than a fairly decent person who was pushed to the breaking point by Jimmy's antics

"So, uh, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I have a much longer-term plan I'm trying to enact with the same goals in mind, and a lot more resources to do it. Wanna team up?"

There's a difference between "the letter of the law means more in a show about lawyers" and "you can discard morals and ethics for the sake of the letter of the law."

Like the NewsRadio episode "Bitch Session".

I see it as three episodes a year every year for seven years. Hold everyone to that seventh-season contract, come in right under the "22 episodes" threshold.

No, he's finally over his electric sensitivity, so he starts living normally, and the first time he gets up to go to fridge to make himself a sandwich, a stray bolt of electricity from the refrigerator strikes him directly in the heart.

Wait, they really did? I thought that was a bridge too far from people trying to read too much into the show.

I don't even believe Chuck has good motives. He can claim "sanctity of the law" all he wants, but the evidence we've seen suggests "resentful of Jimmy and needs to hold himself superior to him" is a far greater motivation to him.

How is that "over-analyzing"?