Ruck Cohlchez ?

It might work if you used a vacuum sealer. I'm not about to submerge my phone just to find out, though.

Yeah, I usually like the comedians, and the concept of the show is great (I don't understand why America doesn't have more panel shows like this, honestly), but Hardwick himself needs to stop acting like he's still an oppressed nerd. Beyond what I said about him personally, the biggest movie franchises right now are

I really did think he was going to start with the F— and then get censored. His delivery nailed it.

If I can't sip it, I ain't buyin' it.

Ugh, I watch @midnight, but one of the most annoying things I saw recently was him making fun of a video that some sorority sisters made called "we are not stereotypes." Yeah, dude, you're a multi-millionaire TV host who sold your media property for a ton of cash a couple years ago; you're not the oppressed nerd

I think of Arrested Development, or his guest spots on Party Down or Happy Endings, mostly. I feel like he's appeared on a couple of other recent sitcoms as well, not to mention The Simpsons and Futurama.

I think he took the money and trashed the place looking for the drugs (I don't remember the details of how he gets them). And, I guess, also the baseball cards? Unless the money was in them? Crap, I'm not really sure either, but I think we'll find out more soon.

Yeah, this is closer to how I saw it.

I don't see how he can't be self-aware while also being naive about the business he's gotten himself into. In fact, I would expect that naivete from the nerdy middle aged balding IT geek you describe.

Yeah, when he said "get the usual suspects" I was thinking of the whole "Oh yeah, we'll round 'em up, we got guys working in shifts on this!" exchange.

It's $50 a shot. You seem to have counted it as $150.

Is it Kim’s pop culture limitations that lead her to ask whether Jimmy plans to walk the earth “like Jules at the end of Pulp Fiction” rather than “like Caine from Kung Fu”?

It's a comedy show, not a police documentary.

It seems like people assume the vast majority of platonic male friends are resentful, brooding obsessives that fixate on an idealized version of their female friend.

Hmm, interesting. I thought he meant he was the "attractive but relatively run of the mill" partner to Cece's "all time great."

The "friend zone" is usually used in this way by the people who complain about being there— as in, "I'm attracted to her, but I'm afraid to ask her out, so instead I pretended to be her friend, and now she thinks of me as just a friend!" Wow, how did that happen?

"This free content isn't stupid enough!"

Movie? Bridgette Wilson is married to Pete Sampras in real life.

Ugh, I did some research into the remakes - apparently at some stage they added an "easy" option, then eventually got rid of normal difficulty entirely.

It's a combination of things.