Ruck Cohlchez ?

Yes— the bar itself isn't what's important; it's the fact that none of the Gang can function in an outside environment.

I definitely thought of that episode, but as a sort of inversion. That was "Dennis and Mac are so codependent they can't be apart,"; this was "Dennis and Mac are so dysfunctional they can't be left alone."

I think they don't even bother submitting anymore.

I mean, I'm pretty sure the show has done "Dennis and Mac are like a married couple" thing before, but this took it to a different place.

I feel like Dennis' reviews— regardless of grades, just from reading them— suggest he has conceptual expectations of Sunny that aren't being met. But I don't think the show needs to meet those to be funny.

Yeah, Michael Caine is the only part of Goldmember I really remember. It's been a very long time since I've seen either the second or third movie, and I have no desire to watch them again to clarify the point.

Maybe so, but at least it got rid of the crappy mechanics in the original.

Huh, I didn't know Dragon Quest Heroes was a thing. Is it good?

I mean, I totally got what he meant, too, but I just loved how much sense that made to Bill Burr's character.

IV is a classic. III is another good one if you want a longer game with the ability to have more class customizations, etc. I played V and VI on Android much later and enjoyed them, but IV is the one I grew up with and is still the standard-bearer in my mind. Never played VII or VIII.

I played III a while back on a translated ROM of the original and thought it was good. It's supposed to be the best of the NES Final Fantasy games, from what I've heard.

Are the Android versions any good? I bought some of 'em because they were on sale at the beginning of the year. (I played I, IV, and VI in their original releases.)

Well, mostly in the first one.

They both suck, but I guess Goldmember has more original content? Teti's exactly right that The Spy Who Shagged Me is a lame rehash.

God, I cracked up when Nick finally said to Bill Burr "He was a fat kid" and that explained everything about Schmidt. Like, Nick knows that his cousin is exactly the kind of guy who would take that information and process it that way.

He had both a professor of African-American Studies, as well as his head writer, Neal Brennan, who did fairly well. i think the eventual winner was black, though.

the Kancel Kenan Kommittee?

As they said on The State, "None of us had dates to our proms, except Marino, because he's a handsome paesano."

I don't think so; Bakkedahl is taller than that.

A full-on rappist.