Ruck Cohlchez ?

"I met this hot chick at a bar, and we hit it off, and then she wouldn't even give me a chance! What a bitch! No room for nice guys in this world, right?"

My name is not Grumpy McGrumperson. It's Steve.

You didn't, though. Thanks for the coy hints that something serious happens. Looking forward to it!

Great movie. I can't be the only one who likes DOR's 90s output. Flirting With Disaster is a fun, quirky, low-key comedy.

Well, if we're getting into the Gospels as legitimate historical text, it has so many questions surrounding its authorship, the obvious use of the same source materials for three of the texts, the general way the Bible has been edited over the years, etc. etc., that, really, who's to say when the stuff about being

What would be the end goal of risking your life to start something that has no earthly personal payoff?

I don't see how their personal gain factors into it, once we've established it's a goal of theirs.

Out of curiosity, what did you think the early church would gain by "embellishing to sell potential converts"?

Man, especially in college. I mean, at that age, lots of people drink a ton and go overboard, but your point about Christians is well-taken, because so many of the college kids I remember who were outspokenly Christian were really repressed most of the time.

Yeah, Jesus was the dude who had the courage to leave it all behind, wander off into the desert to find himself, then come back preaching that people should love one another and be nice and compassionate and stuff. Great dude. I can believe in that dude while also believing that any stories of cheating death or other

LOL, I remember that Hatesong. Just the dumbest contrived shit, and the whole "a straight white male shouldn't write about any other characters ever" is a great example of how Liberal Critic Internet can put you in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation. (If you're a SWM and you write about other

Well, again, I think you have to turn a blind eye to all the implicit and explicit racism espoused by Republicans toward Obama to believe that.

I find answering questions with questions disingenuous. You just seem like you're avoiding answering me. Especially since the question you ask me isn't actually any point I've contended.

In every single case in seven years? Do you think that's a realistic viewpoint to take?

why would they want someone who they think is wrong to succeed?

Re your last paragraph, though: the Republican Congressional leadership has explicitly said their only priority is to make sure Obama fails. Forget even trying to come up with any solutions of their own. Their disagreement isn't philosophical or policy-based; it's based in personal invective toward the president.

It really feels like there's a whole culture built around people who want to feel self-righteous but don't want to put any effort into making the world a better place. It's a lot easier to write a column saying "Ugh, more white people!" than it is to, say, join Black Lives Matter on the ground or to push elected

Someone here said that they had no interest in the revenant because she was tired of movies all about supposed " white male 'struggles'". I can't think of anything that would be a worse example of trivializing someone's struggles, because they were white

Let me know if the AV Club ever runs a thinkpiece about Tina Fey's gay caricatures and venom toward sexual women. I'm sure it'll be on the front page next to "Wait a minute, Patton Oswalt sure says a lot of things we usually call people 'entitled white manbabies' for saying."

I'll always have a soft spot for "How Girls Challenges the Masculine Expectations of Good TV."