Ruck Cohlchez ?

Huh, I didn't even know they made a video for "Halo." I wouldn't have expected them too, given that Violator already had four hit singles aside from that. What an album.

Driving back from my folks' place on Christmas Day I put on a Christmas station on the satellite radio, and on came "Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis." 'Tis the season, I suppose.

Partial credit for Big Star's "Jesus Christ," but I really wanted to see Chris Bell's "Better Save Yourself" on here.

Wow, I didn't even notice that. Yikes.

I've had religious people treat me disrespectfully due to my lack of belief. In the past, I responded in a rather vengeful manner (i.e. questioning their beliefs or banging the guy they liked ON PRINCIPLE)

I miss T. Herman Zweibel.

I want to say "You know, the AV Club became German scheiBe porn so gradually I didn't notice," but I find it hard to believe anyone could not immediately notice that.

Eh, I think there are any number of reasons why you can't really compare the 1990s Onion to the AV Club of 2015. The former was a much more deliberate and vicious satire (and better-written to boot), not a pop-culture content mill.

The AV Club only decries intolerance by the Wrong People against the Right People. If you're one of their Pop Culture Heroes, you can pretty much do or say whatever you want and they won't care. And if you demographically identify as someone who isn't part of the Right Group, then it's fine to shit all over you.

Probably their first name, because that's generally what I use on the AV Club, with its more conversational tone and writers who post in the comments.

It's not really "from" this year, but I've gotten really into The Order of the Stick in the last few months.

She acts like an agent.

Yeah, it's great how she'll complain that a satire of a heavily male culture has too many men in the cast, then promptly misrepresent the show's Pakistani-American actor.

As a Californian, it's interesting to me that some Spanish names (for cities and streets) are pronounced properly while others are totally anglicized.

I think it would be phenomenal, and hilarious, if the French existentialists rose again, and they decided the apex of our current civilization was middlebrow cable programming.

Yep, and this debate/explanation has come up in previous Christmas seasons with this song, too. I remember reading it last year. But hey, gotta have something to rage about on the Internet to pretend you're affecting real change.

I think it's just you, experiencing some recency bias (either your own or vicariously through critics).

I look forward to some Brandon Nowalk-inspired rants in the comments, and to the editors continuing to not give a shit when one of their reviewers' work is regularly filled with observational errors.

What the hell is The Returned? The sequel to The Departed? Or did The Leftovers bring the disappeared people back and change its focus?

He did them all, so pick at your leisure. I don't remember which specific ones were the worst because eventually I just started glossing over them, if I read them at all.