Ruck Cohlchez ?

What is "Dragging Walton's sorry ass up and down the court 48 minutes a night"?

Yeah, but you didn't cleverly point out that your quote was phrased in the form of a question.

Hey, we made it through seasons of 55, 51, and 56 wins! We deserve this!

Somehow this got an upvote even while I had the mangled HTML that rendered the link invisible. You folk are a generous bunch.

Johnny, do you like movies about gladiators?

Also, it would be even more hilarious if the showrunners reconciled this divide by splitting the cast in half somehow and creating two shows each. Perhaps Phil and Claire are separated. Or perhaps Modern Family becomes The Dunphys and My Gay Son, His Diva Husband, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover My Fiery Wife, and

You think they'd try to Fleetwood Mac it and use that tension creatively to produce something great, but nooooooooo

Does the Clientele album Strange Geometry count? It's 2005, but I really like it. In particular the first track, "Since K Got Over Me", which includes an album title drop.

It's the speed with which it burned out that remains remarkable to me. Like, I don't even think it made it through the entire first season without showing signs of tiring out.

'Cause I'm more horse than a man.
…or I'm more man than a horse.

Yeah, Andy Kindler sucks.

Right! I'd almost forgotten about that one. I used the examples from "Little Person" and "Haunted House" to illustrate Forrest's self-deception.

Pat Robertson will never die as long as there remains crazy-evangelical and blood-diamond money left uncounted.

Watch the first ten episodes (i.e. the ones that aired in Fall 2009.) It may make more sense then. At least, it was legitimately good then.

Am I the only person who didn't like the ending? I found it forced and out of character. Like I posted elsewhere in the comments, I find Rick a lot more dull if "Oh, he's really like this because of self-loathing" turned out to be his motivation the entire time, rather than, you know, someone who has been shaped by

1. Total Rickall

I haven't decided 2-8, but I agree with your 1, 9, and 10.

BoJack Horseman.