Ruck Cohlchez ?

It's been so long since I've read Lord of the Flies, I'd forgotten about that. So, on the one hand, a little bit of a bonus for adhering to the source material; on the other, this is just further evidence that there's no parody or satire in this episode, just a straight re-telling of the original story.

this season has, without ever belaboring the point, been in part about why Rick is the way he is—that his mania and callousness are a cover for deep-rooted depression and self-loathing.

Cause of death: The night cheese worked her.

It sounds like a cheese Boyle would rave about. So it seems appropriate.

"Atrocity Exhibition" is one of my favorites. I had an idea that never came to fruition for using it in a mashup with Lil' Wayne's "Georgia… Bush."

Heaven is a funky moose, indeed.

I just meant that I first meant that metaphorically, "Blaze of Glory" as a sequel to "Wanted Dead or Alive", but then I realized it was literally true in the Young Guns sense.

I just take what people post at face value. It's hard to make sarcasm obvious on the Internet. Although, I've had so many people unironically attack me over opinions I've expressed recently (once even when I was praising the reviewer, just because the other commenter didn't like my choice of words) that lately I've

"Born and raised in, uh, Detroit"

"Blaze of Glory" is like a sequel to a movie no one wanted to see in the first place.

Yes, I remember that video! I didn't know if it was still anywhere to be found, since I originally saw it on an AOL members page.

…are you suggesting "Big Pimpin'" is only well-regarded because of nostalgia?


Is Dennis still doing It's Always Sunny reviews? Shouldn't be to hard to come by it naturally.

I kinda think this is a rather "meh" episode, too. The kids' plot is practically a straight re-telling of Lord of the Flies, without adding anything. And acknowledging that your ending is a shitty cop-out doesn't make it not one.

Well, I managed to narrow 1965-80 down to twelve:

Ooh, "Little Fury Things" is probably the one song I would have forgotten without reading these lists that I might include in mine.

What do you mean? By whom? Which divorce? They divorced in episode 3 last year; in the first episode of this season, it's clear that Forrest and Suzanne are still separated. I'm not sure what's missing.

Fuck off, troll.

I said fuck off. Is this why you're here? To harass me and call me a liar? Go find someone you don't think is a liar to talk to.