Ruck Cohlchez ?

Oh, so you're calling me a liar. Fuck off, then.

What? Do you speak English?

Her old car was a beat-up Toyota or some such (we see it in the very first segment of the show). The best theory I've heard so far is that she bought it with the money from a settlement for being shot with an arrow.

It's my fault they called me sexist for having different taste in TV shows?

(And this review also captures one of the revelations of the episode for me, which is that I think Grant is like 20% less evil than I previously thought.)

I feel like this does need a season 3, but at the same time, there's almost no ending more appropriate for Forrest than this. If his "Conspiracy Theory" review caused him to become convinced everyone was trying to kill him (and avoid his own culpability in the destruction of his life), it makes sense that his pursuit

I'm glad he mentioned that season 1 of the show has aired in-universe, because the thought of Suzanne watching it, and the reaction she must have had to realizing this is what Forrest destroyed their marriage and his life for, makes me laugh uncontrollably.

with the notable exceptions of "Divorce" and "Killing".

I find your optimism refreshing, but I see nothing in this article to suggest it was even an attempt at parody.

Yeah, almost, if I were to have any reason to believe this Newswire was written as some sort of brilliantly subtle parody of the kind of Internet writing the AV Club trafficks in every day, and not just part of it.

Whenever people start talking about House of Cards, the TV show, which I've never seen, I usually just imagine a version of the credits with "House of Cards" playing over it.

Oh man, I was just telling a Mitch Hedberg joke earlier tonight. "I went golfing once. Now when you hit the ball, you're supposed to yell 'fore.' But I was busy mumbling, 'Ain't no fuckin' way that's gonna hit that guy…'"


I mean, from his point of view, he effectively did murder Phil.

Grant is a manipulator, to be sure, but I do believe that he doesn't actually want Forrest dead. He's certainly willing to exploit him for amazing television, but Forrest is also extremely culpable because of his poor and rigid decision-making.


Great post. From another perspective— in one sense, Forrest is close to becoming self-aware that he's on a show within a show; in another sense, Forrest is close to becoming self-aware the his own decisions and the parameters he sets are what's causing his own misery.

I noticed the Mercedes and was surprised by it, but hadn't thought of an explanation. That's a great one.


I don't think so. I said this after last week's episode, but at the end of season 1, it's clear she knows about the show and that he's done a number of insane things for the show, and I think the fact that they aren't together in season 2 implies that she made him choose, and he chose the show. She just isn't