Ruck Cohlchez ?

Yeah, someone else a couple days ago I talked to suggested Elway was just looking for a yes-man, and who better than his former backup quarterback?

Yep, about a week ago I had the inexplicable urge to read the entire series pages for about eight or ten of my favorite sitcoms.

Easily. I was dismayed that they went that route. It's not only the laziest team name and color scheme ever, but it deliberately invites unflattering comparisons to the Dallas Cowboys, not to mention other things like the University of Texas and Friday Night Lights, which only further underscore just how low the

Ha, yeah, same here— I didn't even notice there WAS a B&T article last week. On the other hand, I'm already in four leagues, though none of them with AV Clubbers.

I watched Kubiak coach Houston for eight years. He's exactly the kind of ineffectual moron who would do something like that. I know Elway fired John Fox because he didn't think Fox could take the team to the next level… but the only reason I can think that Elway hired Kubiak is "He used to be my backup."


That's a creative interpretation of "I transcribe lines as literally as possible."

My computer won't play the video and I tried multiple browsers. Is anyone else having this problem?

I think the difference is that @ok72:disqus has consistently argued that Forrest is somehow not responsible for everything he does; he's mostly a victim of the show.

The reviews are supposedly "chosen at random" but Grant picking them makes a lot more sense as to how they actually turn up in the show.

I'd definitely like to see the major stories come to a conclusion— just how far Forrest will sink, what will finally pull him out of it, how his relationship with Suzanne is resolved, etc.

"The magician" is a line directly from the original song, which is why it's so funny. And of course it doesn't make sense in context to the characters, which is why Leela is confused.

I only watched the first two episodes, but he was really good in them. A totally different character from Grant, as well.

I think Grant is perfectly explainable merely by means of being evil and enjoying the sheer process of manipulating Forrest into doing increasingly horrible things.

Earlier in the season a lot of the grades seemed arbitrary and to not reflect Forrest's actual feelings on the assignment, which was disappointing.

Didn't he say that he put the Magic 8-Ball in a fanny pack because he didn't want to weird people out? That cracked me up.

Also, Character Z was secretly a traitor / bad guy / the exact opposite of everything we've known him/her to be the entire time.

I find myself thinking that, for the sake of accurately mapping the characters from one to the other, I should have done this bit with Han Solo getting frozen in carbonite.

And then there was Yoda Time-One, who said everything like this:
"Told you I did. Reckless is he. Now, matters are worse."

"They whacked him. They fucking whacked Obi-Wan."
It was revenge for training me, and a lot of other things. And there was nothing we could do about it. Vader was an Empire man, and Obi-Wan wasn't. And we had to sit still and take it. They even made Obi-Wan's body disintegrate so we couldn't give him a funeral.