Ruck Cohlchez ?

Terminator 2.

I mean, they basically invented the genre. Forget that; I think they're in the running for greatest American rock band of all time.

I always enjoy this because it's just like… so what? You think the fact that the Dixiecrats were nominally Democrats somehow means that the policies you and your party espouse in the present day are not racist?

Side note, I was very disappointed to discover Clams Casino is the name of a dish, and not a fictitious casino where one could, presumably, win lots of clams (either the crustacean or the slang term for money).

I had no idea Mr. Pickles was actually being made. A friend of mine told me to watch the pilot a while back— I was under the impression it hadn't been picked up.

Formally ambitious, I think. i.e. "Experimental."

I don't think you can keep telling the Internet that discovering that two seemingly unrelated pop culture items actually have similarities is a "Great Job!" when the Internet does it several times a day. It's like being impressed that your teenage son is so dedicated to masturbating.

Oh, this guy is way past that. We're in like "White Pride Worldwide" territory.

Translation: I don't know how to cope with a society that doesn't prop me up at the expense of everyone else, so I lash out at everyone different than me rather than learn to be a better or more capable person.

He's scared of homosexuals, too, as you can tell by his last line. I'm pretty sure if you dug deep enough, you'd find out this guy is a white separatist or Christian Dominionist or some such. (Or both!) Obviously lives his life scared shitless of encountering anyone even mildly different than him, since that serves to

LaBute craftily includes one direct reference to what’s really motivating Chad—a casual, tossed-off line that only becomes significant upon second viewing.

Unfortunately, that's like saying "Yeah, the health care system sucks because of insurance companies and middlemen CEOs, but on the bright side, nurses are overworked and underpaid."

I enrolled in 1999, and the tuition at my school has risen about 150% since then.

We play jazz! It's a jazz station! Why does everyone keep asking that?

Ha, maybe in 1990.

Gotcha. Tough call for me between that one and "Dumb Starbucks."

I mean, they literally said "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", the exact name of a Sorkin show, at one point. They laid it on so thick I can't believe people are in doubt about it.

I did not notice this. What platform are you using? I can't seem to recreate it.

That Nathan for You episode is from season 2.

I just really like Kanye West and thinks he gets an unfair rap. And Taylor Swift's music may be relatively simple and shallow, but at least it's sincere, unlike Train's cutesy-poo hip-reference bullshit.