Ruck Cohlchez ?

It's a real bummer. I feel like it's killing good criticism, because good criticism isn't aimed at the lowest common denominator and is therefore not profitable enough.

See, I like when shows have complex moral questions like this that make you think. I see too many comments talking about "how the show wants us to feel" about something, as though we can't think about it and make up our own minds if presented with complex situations and ideas.

And the first comment would be telling Diane to "go back to China."

Did you change your display name? I didn't know you could do that.

The "casual offhand mention of accusations that had already been out in the public but never gotten much focus" made it seem extremely clear that they were going directly for Cosby there.

Yeah, basically. I think I read on this very page that the guy just looked at some photos on the Internet of girls attending Burning Man, or some such.

I'd rather listen to it than anything by Taylor Swift or Kanye West

It's not about Burning Man in the sense that the song writers went to Burning Man, or anything like that.

I find myself saying similar things about Semisonic and Fountains of Wayne, pre-"Closing Time" and "Stacy's Mom" respectively.

Daddy's out caterwauling
Momma's in the kitchen calling
I can't think of the next line, so I'm stalling
For the President

So I read your last entry on True Detective, and item 6 is exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to TV writers writing about anything but "Was it good?" The entire entry is based on the idea that the show has an "opinion" of itself. It's not "Did this work?", it's based on an assumption of intent that frankly

I think people who try to divide complex characters, especially a character like Rick Sanchez, into such neat camps as "hero" and "anti-hero" are missing the point. It's both more and less complicated than that.

I've been to a couple standard-issue steak-dinner-and-strip-club type of bachelor parties, but the best one I went to was from my much younger days, when the best man rented a beach house and brought excess quantities of every type of drug we could want. That was a lot more fun than the typical Conspicuous Consumer

That's about a guy infatuated with the female participant of the gang bang he's in line for, right?


Lookin' good!

I think Rick is written off as hedonistic, pessimistic, or nihilistic too quickly. It seems far more likely to me that he understands the chaotic nature of the universe better than anyone else in this show. I don't think it's a coincidence that this season we've seen a couple of episodes where Morty and/or Summer

The first act is outstanding, but I find it telling that no one defending the episode is doing it on the grounds the writer criticized it, as a successful (or necessary) explanation of Marge's personality.

"I don't know why I said T, my middle name is John!"

No, that's the one where they filmed Adam Sandler, then filmed him dressed as a woman.