Ruck Cohlchez ?

Hmm, I guess with two of them I can see your point, but I don't see it that way. I actually remember the cut to Paul's fiance last episode, but I don't remember her reacting the way Ani did— if anything, I think it would indicate that the bond between Ray and Ani was real, and the one between Paul and his fiance

Perhaps the problem is that you're seeing every character as a trope and entirely representative of their social group, rather than as individuals. For example:

I don't think specifically, unless you consider the Serious Glances they exchanged evidence, but the logic makes sense, especially if you accept the Armenians don't think Frank will make it to Venezuela regardless: With the Russians gone, the Cartel moving in, and a power vacuum in the area, it benefits the Armenians

I didn't realize two gay characters (leaving out, of course, all the hustlers Paul interacted with, because they don't fit your point) were intended to represent the Entire Homosexual Population.

"I would like to have seen what happened to the mayor" - What did you miss? He's dead. His son killed him and made it look like a cheap suicide.

No, because lots of people have described a similar feeling/experience when a loved one dies and they don't actually "know" it yet.

Also known for having executives that demand showrunners keep characters alive even when it makes no sense or is much worse storytelling to do so.

Hey, it's easy to snark when you make the most unflattering assumptions possible!

He says what they're all thinking! And that drives the establishment nuts, because no one outside the rabid base would ever vote for those guys if they knew that was what they were all thinking.

Although the Armenians may have betrayed him, which makes Blake's point even more… uh… pointed.

Like I was saying, the reason it worked so well for me is because, knowing what we know about Frank's relationship with his father, he is absolutely the last person to be swayed by that kind of appeal. If anything, I think saying that is what pushed Frank to pull out the pistol to execute Osip, give it a more personal

I loved it! It was the ABSOLUTE wrong thing to say to Frank, knowing his relationship with his father. Osip's attempt at a personal appeal completely backfired.

Okay, I missed that one, that's on me.

Nothing bugs me more than the people who complain about that kind of "inequality" in art but won't do shit about it in real life. They'll write a thinkpiece about how "True Detective is bad because men," but they'll never attend a protest or volunteer at a women's shelter. People whose level of effort and commitment

Well, thanks for taking the time to write that. I disagree with all of it entirely, but hey, at least you have reasons for your opinion.

Ugh, if you genuinely enjoy being that character, I feel bad for you. He seemed very joyless to me.

"Or less" really took on the quality of a dark recurring punchline by the third or fourth time Frank said it.

Yeah, I thought they cut his gas line first, too, because of the liquid on the ground, but he obviously was able to drive on it.

Good for you. Enjoy being Ignatius J. Reilly.

Except when he's willing to go undercover for an entire year for $100,000, because that totally makes sense with the rest of his character.