Ruck Cohlchez ?

I just don't put a lot of stock in self-styled arbiters of taste who can't even articulate their opinions, just complain that other people are stupid for not sharing them. Throw more of a fit at the commentariat, why don't you?

Whine that people who like things you don't are stupid much?

"Automatically moved to folder: Weird Messages From Dad"

I just think if you were any more full of yourself, shit would literally be running out of your ears.

lol, it's so cute that you think you are some kind of Objective Arbiter of Art.

Project much?

Yeah, flapping your gums about "those darn liberals" and "if you think there's racism in America, YOU'RE the racist," all that stuff made total sense.

"What a hack trope, have the getaway locked down and then screw it up for no good reason. "

Pretty much. I don't even think I knew what a dildo was when he said it.

The latter. I mean, we were like 11, and none of us were future standups.

Man, you must have a really cool life, that registering an account to post this hateful nonsense at a pop culture website was a top priority for you.

It's one of my favorite things in comedy how Ron's so utterly incapable of achieving his very mediocre dreams.


Aside from what @Matthew_Blanchette:disqus said, they've cut back the number of panelists from four to three, which tends to make discussion actually possible. I've rarely if ever seen the "Keep It 100" segment recently— I think he still brings it out when it's particularly appropriate but it's no longer an

I've been watching Seinfeld season 4 recently, so I just thought of the pilot for Jerry: Frank saved Nails' life, so now he becomes his butler.

I loved that scene. That tore me apart. It was perfect, because Jordan shouldn't just roll over and take what Frank says at face value. He really has to convince her, and it really would take that long.

Looking back on it now, I am kind of horrified that a 10 year old even knew about a double-sided dildo. Although from what I remember of the guy he was always kind of a pervert even at that age.

Just use Simpsons quotes. Here's one:

Yes, that's a terrific way of putting it, as well.

"Look, it's nothing personal, Frank. My guy here just loves ill-fitting suits. Don't worry. We have a dynamite tailor."