Ruck Cohlchez ?

I definitely watched the entire thing straight through yesterday.

I think comedy is arguably tougher than drama, but Hollywood pigeonholes people and/or doesn't take comedic performances "seriously" (When was the last time a lead performer in a comedy was nominated for an Oscar, for example? When was the last time one won?)

Kissinger was right: "The politics of academia are so vicious because the stakes are so small." But my take may be affected by my perception that currently, academia is primarily used to funnel intelligent people into poverty and petty pissing contests.

Are you really Thomas McGuane?

Our opinions of the show differ, but more to the point, given the degree to which even professional reviews regularly get things they just saw wrong (I counted at least three mistakes/misinterpretations in Erik Adams' latest), criticism like this doesn't land for me, because I've yet to have it demonstrated to my

That point is undermined by the fact that the guy cared enough to make this chart in the first place.

I think this was around the time the giant Owsley lab was raided, so LSD was in short supply indeed. Uh, at least that's what I remember hearing in college.

"Listen, all I'm saying is if True Detective wanted better reviews, it should have flattered liberal intellectuals more."

How lucky for them! They'd been wanting to invade Iraq for years, wrote position papers on how difficult it would be to get American support behind a war of aggression without "a new national tragedy— like a new Pearl Harbor", and then, what luck, that's just what happens!

BOOM! Got it both ways! No regrets.


I like the part where the joke is apparently on the show, that whoever made this chart is too dumb to follow it.

Ha-ha, a lazy joke by and for people insecure about their inability to keep track of a show! Great Job, Internet!

I don't see how Trump could possibly siphon off Democratic votes. His entire base is angry Tea Partiers.

That's like the least surprising thing I've ever heard about Dick Cheney.

Apparently, the entertainment industry isn't very kind to people who make dead-wrestler jokes.

Damn it, my DVR recorded tonight's broadcast all wrong. My Nightly Show recording started about 5-7 minutes into tonight's episode of Why? for some reason.

Even if Trump maintains his current numbers, eventually the rest of the candidates will throw their support behind one of the more politician-like of them.

Yeah, Grant is pretty evil and definitely does not care about Forrest's well-being. Nevertheless, none of this is possible without Forrest's insane dedication to this idea.