ruby redbone

Funny how I see women wearing hijabs in the US every day. Do they realize they’re choosing to wear a symbol of oppressiom and not showing solidarity with their Muslim sisters?

Maybe try not watching it

The families of Dahmer’s victims want"...Money. They want money.

Well, up until a couple years ago people had no problem getting prescriptions for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine filled either. And then doctors began refusing to renew such prescriptions. Pharmacies began refusing to fill such prescriptions. And you cheered that.

Just like female genital multilation (FGM) in all of Africa before the White man arrived, this movie just exposes another Black atrocity against other Black people. One day, the “fake Black nationalist” will stop with their self-righteous, sanctimonious attitude towards other races. One day, some Black people will get

It is expected that as much as 40% of eligible black voters won’t vote this year. Yes, a big chunk of that is because of voter restrictions created by the GOP. But not all of it. Some are saying they don’t think there is a politician that represents them — a valid point, but not voting just increases the chance that

Who says it was just “white” Hollywood’s idea? It is all about money. Black and white people both go for that.

I haven’t seen the movie, but it seems like if the studio wanted a “girl power/black girl magic” inspirational type story, they shouldn’t have gone with the Agojie. However, not every film NEEDS to have a greater feminist or female empowerment message behind it. White people make these types of historical movies all

So. No justice for Hae Min Lee or her family?

The author likes playing buzzword bingo in everything she writes. It’s typical for her to throw out terms like that with little to no relevance to what she is speaking about or to what the words even mean. 

Dr. Fauci isn’t being truthful. Dr. Fauci knows, but doesn’t disclose, that vitamin D deficiency is the primary reason that Blacks are at greater risk of hospitalization from COVID-19. Nor does Dr. Fauci disclose that supplementation is the ideal way to ensure optimal vitamin D levels because it’s inexpensive, readily

Good for Fauci for pointing out that ““The rate of hospitalization and the death rate among 100,000 population is clearly higher greater in brown and Black populations in the United States compared to the general population and compared to whites,” he said, citing the prevalence of underlying risk factors like

He should “call out” what the facts support.  Vaccine uptake among non-whites is significantly less than their share of the population, despite herculean efforts to give non-whites priority in vaccination.

No one is absolutely safe from COVID-19.  I don’t think any virus cares about the skin color of it’s host. At least not as much as Fauci does.  Viruses are not as racist as he is.

Accountability and personal responsibility.

Is anyone safe? I mean we (Europe) are slowly getting back to an semblance of normalcy, but we're not safe. Especially not vulnerable citizens. Get your vaccines (with one booster) and wear masks. FFP-2 masks are effective in protecting you in conjunction with the vaccination.

I always thought that getting the same exact vaccine as the rich white neighbors was proof that it was legit that it was meant to work.
That and the family of the Tuskegee experiment subjects saying it’s not an illness like our father was given, it’s a cure.

Henreitta Lacks was a poor woman who received top notch (For the time) cancer care. So why are they crying about her?

Oh come on. How many people know about the syphilis study or Henrietta lacks.  Probably near zero. They have nothing to do with hesitancy but more to do with lack of science education and education in general

The hesitancy has come from ignorance not fucking white supremacy.  There is literally nothing The Root won’t try and blame on White people.