You should seek therapy.
You should seek therapy.
I guess you don’t have the intellect to distinguish assault from battery.
Here’s one weird trick for not being a racist asshole....don’t fuck with strangers.
Another case of “Black Girl Magic”.
“From a sociological and psychological POV, there is no such thing as a hate crime against a white person in the context of material power & privilege”
Not being able to get your kink on is not the same as being a forced incubator. Topic sprawl?! Things that matter matter.
The restriction of women’s bodily autonomy is not at all like the restriction of men’s sexual fetishes.
police are not doctors genius
How many migrants have you personally housed?
So. Moving humans around like pawns in a chess game is a good thing now?
Howard,,,like all schools,,is taking every opportunity to cash out.
Genuine religious authorities all support vaccination. Don’t tar them with your bias brush.
Maybe don’t buy your weird kink with credit?
Meanwhile, women across the country have lost their bodily autonomy. Your access to your preferred sexual fetish is a poor subject for think pieces.
A banana, boiled egg and some bread? Water from a tap? You need to get a grip, Ms/Mr Samuleson.
Maybe just get married without all the narcissism? Adults who don’t impose on others are always in season.
So. Her family, knowing she was ill...did nothing? Until after her death when a chance to shift blame to others conveniently presented itself?
Brilliant. Bravo.
“How many guys have you been with?” one boyfriend asked as we played footsie under a high-top pub table. Like the nervous game, there was no correct answer to this question.”
Yes. Teaching is hard. That is why it used to be a respected profession. But teachers failing to teach who focus only on their ideologies, their comfort, their time off....well that has been the death of a once great vocation.