
“No one (here that I’ve seen) has a problem with that or is advocating that people who need c-sections not get them in pursuit of some abstract target.”

You did say exactly that, though, and so did juliarams. She said the c-section rate is three times what it “should” be. You said that “90+ percent” of births should be

By "no medical reason" I meant there's no immediate, obvious concern, but I still have other concerns because of my family history. It would be considered elective in the medical field.

So should insurance not coverr it if a woman ELECTS to go with the home birth METHOD and get a midwife? If a woman ELECTS to have a water birth? Where exactly do you draw the line? Just because one method includes surgery?

Well, how do you define an emotional reason, and what exactly entitles you to decide that any other person's reasons aren't valid?

A human's body was "designed" for bipedal locomotion which is why giving birth has been one of the most dangerous things for women for centuries. "Women are designed for it" is a pretty specious argument for vaginal childbirth and against a ceserean, right up there with "it's the most natural thing in the world."