Diana Lucas Leavengood

His own son called him a fucking coward yet these guys want to sit there and tell us it is different.

Sounds like Rand Paul hired the writers of The Half Hour News Hour.

"Please proceed" is perhaps the most underrated political smackdown of modern times. It blows all but two or three others in the past 50 years out of the water. I'm surprised it doesn't get more play.

Did you 'shop an anus onto the belly of that troll doll? If yes, I think I love you.

That was a Pinterest fail.

I am getting secondhand embarrassment from this.

This was created by one of our nation's legitimate presidential hopefuls?

It's worth reiterating a millions times in these comments: This man wants to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

omg did you see hilary's pinterest

This is one of the most childish things I've ever seen. I know mean girls in high school who think this is a lame way to mess with someone. Are you fucking serious?

Excellent use of tax-payer's monies and time, you wiley ole fiscal conservative.

Half the pics are amazing and a bunch of the quotes are spot on totally agreeable, so if his point was to make her look adorable and hilarious, success! I'm really not sure what he was hoping to accomplish here. That Benghazi valentine was hilarious, I'm giving it to my liberal democrat feminist husband immediately.

is this what happens to someone's sense of humor when they read Atlas Shrugged over and over?

If he is a Presidential Candidate i can't wait until he comes to UK, we have taken down Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie.

Nice try, Rand. But Hills knows how to use commas.

Someone who wants to be President should really be above this. It's mean-spirited and childish.

Exactly. She's always willing to protect her own self interests, but never ever anybody else's. Ever.

I agree. There is trouble a-brewin' in the GOP-verse.