
I’m also a “Golden Gamer” and I am bored to death already and just now got to John’s train quest. For a game that’s supposed to be so realistic the prices in that day and age are outrageous. I refuse to pay for anything extra like lootboxes in any game!!  The pace is slow, everything I do pisses someone off so I

Again with the dev speak:

PC culture is ruining absolutely everything!

Is there a special school that all game designers and/or game promoters go to learn the same ‘say nothing, mean nothing generic language concerning games? Every game article or gamer con event I’m always hearing ‘we’re excited about it” or we want to Make an amazing game and deliver overwhelming value ethically to

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I’m waiting for The Wolf Among Us 2!!!!!!

EA sucks! And all their employees at the press conference all looked like soyboy clones!! Watch Angry Joe’s comentary about it. You can really tell how hard EA is trying when one guy talked about ‘the joys of subscriptions!’ EA is and only ever has been about making money and screw the gamers. I’ve always supported

Seems like you’re the awkward and desperate one, Isha. I see nothing wrong with Pence’s tweets nor do I see he is ‘seriously losing it.” I do see something wrong with your Conservaphobia, though.

I loved Fallout 3! It was the first Fallout game I ever played. Never played 1 & 2 because I didn’t start playing videos games until I was in my forties. Was slightly disappointed in New Vegas due to the crappy guns & dumb ammo crafting but still like playing it. Might eventually play 1 & 2 on PC but there are so many

“There is no denying that the president’s reported statements were reprehensible—it is responsible and prudent for the ESA to denounce them.” Yes, let’s denounce the ‘reported statements’ without any proof!! Typical liberal knee jerk reaction like all the Hollywood sex stuff going on. Dick Durbin is a Democrat

This SJW crap is really getting to me. Not everything is racist!! I grew up in the 50's watching Fleischer cartoons along with Disney and Warner Brothers. Favorite Fleischer film was Gulliver’s Travels. Not once did I ever think or did anyone tell me all black people are bad. In fact, I thought they were pretty great

Hope they took out the shield bars!! It just prolongs the fights to no end. Ridiculous! Could barely get through first island. I don’t have all day to spend on one battle. I don’t mind hard difficulty but not every enemy has to have gray shield bar. I’ve been playing the Beta or whatever it’s called and quit due to

I was extremely disappointed in Andromeda - sold it after getting to the first planet because the voice acting and story was awful!!! Did not like the looks at all of pretty boy twin nor the blah looks of the female twin (I know I can change the look but all the choices were crap as well) - I felt sorry for the Father

Love does not mean letting your kids do whatever the hell they want!! This kid definitely needs some discipline - as do you, parent!! There is no way I’d let one of my kids do what yours does. That’s what wrong with kids today - they have no respect for anything! No manners, no morals, etc. Instead of writing articles

Where’s Alexander Skarsgard?