
I saw one of those on a Merkur Scorpio in Paris once!

Obviously not expecting any real consistency from networks. But if it’s the case that you think there’s an association between shooting games and real world shootings, how do you justify ever broadcasting the games whether there’s been a recent shooting or not?

Can I just make a blanket request that Kotaku stop citing fucking reddit as a source of reliable and contextual opinion? 

Has Johns ever written a comic that wasn’t built on the bones of nostalgia?

“Where my concern comes from is more about the overreliance on nostalgia, speculator marketing, variant covers, and a lot of things that seem to be driving numbers in sales to give the appearance of a healthy industry”

I love how people are acting as if this is govt. surveillance. When you donate, the fec makes damn sure that you know your name and address will be broadcast for all to see. 

“I have known Emperor Palpatine for many years, and while I supported and helped fund his efforts to construct a Death Star, I did not support his decision to blow up Alderaan”

This might be the saddest thing I’ve read all day. If my life was so devoid of meaning that this was my idea of resisting, I might consider just taking the whole bottle of percs and hoping for better on the other side.

Way to go Paul! $15.oo whole dollars to Doug Jones in 2017!!

Super Dave Osbourne seal of approval!!

How much of this anxiety is affected by media coverage of the events?

The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is about the same as dying in a dog attack, or in a legal execution.

This is one of those critiques that sounds perceptive as long as the reader has no cultural or historical context by which to judge it. Artists have been making art that undercuts the authority of their patrons for...forever. Michelangelo put subversive material in the Sistine Chapel, for fuck’s sake—does that mean

Editorialists: Superhero media peddles a juvenile fantasy of moral strength and individualism while milking the pockets of its most devoted fans to the benefit of massive corporations that actively make life worse for people across the world.

See, but nobody who wasn’t there actually “cares,” Hamilton. Not any more. It happens too often for people to spend much time processing it. If they live nearby, they might contribute a stuffed animal or a candle to the memorial pile of garbage and take a picture of the garbage pile for their Instagram account. They

“Also, please disable your ad blocker so we can slow down your experience with these [I shit you not] 71 ads on this page.”

“The Inventory is an independent entity and its endorsements do not reflect the views of Gizmodo or its affiliates. Much like the human heart, Kinja Deals pumps life into a body that is otherwise trying to destroy itself from the inside out.”

I wouldn’t worry too much about the injured. In my experience, there are plenty of Chinese spare ribs to go around.

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”

“Olivia Jade did not complete the membership process.”