
If myself and 5 other people named Caroline had a business for years, and our titles were “Sales Caroline” and “Marketing Caroline” and “Operations Caroline” but our names being Caroline had nothing to do with the business we were doing, and we hired a Katie, I don’t think it’s cry-baby PC trigger Obama culture to say

Counter point : we need to stop rescuing those people.

I’ve maintained this since reading the book in high school: Christopher McCandless was a stupid, naive, unprepared dink who thought he could piss in Nature’s face and get away with it. He got lucky a few times, but sooner or later if you don't respect Nature it will kill you dead.

brilliant idea. should i track down the titanic iceberg or anna karenina train first?

How anyone could watch that movie and not think that McCandless was a giant dumbass is beyond me. Why do people idolize a spoiled brat that killed himself from a mix of ego and incompetence?

He’s adorbs. I just wanna brush his hair and tell him stories.

He’s like 4 foot 9, there is no way that guy could tell he if he was standing up or sitting down.

Oh my God, I’ve died and I’ve actually ended up in Westeros.

I never ever found him fanciable until he had died and been brought back (spoiler alert, you guys) but now I find him double triple hot super dope fly bomb digs.

“There’s nothing scarier than waking up in the middle of Game of Thrones world, naked, with everyone standing over you, and thinking, Oh my God, I’ve died and I’ve actually ended up in Westeros.



There would be a mad arborealist society containing a frightful gossip, probably that one old woman with the creepy funeral director son.

Which one was the garbage in that pic?

where is he tho

My family lives next door to a quiet elderly couple. They mow the grass whenever my family has a bbq and is always outside...spying. Once we discovered that there was a mole going around under our lawns, and we woke up to two dead moles shot to death on our lawn. We don’t doubt that they shot and killed them, then

And every single person except one within ten miles would have a rock-solid motive to want that particular cyclist dead. It’d end up being the one who seems to not, but actually does.

The tree would have collapsed and crushed a passing cyclist or something equally ludicrous and wonderful.

It’s like something out of Midsomer, but dumber.

If there’s one thing I learned growing up amongst wealthy oceanside people, it’s that wealthy oceanside people will stop at NOTHING to preserve their precious views.