For legal reasons just in case, I won’t say, but what I will say is they pride themselves as being “The Worlds Largest Corvette Dealer”
For legal reasons just in case, I won’t say, but what I will say is they pride themselves as being “The Worlds Largest Corvette Dealer”
This is big time dealership in South Jersey, they sell cars out the ying yang, and would prefer not to have a shop if they legally could.
______Age ______Kinja Handle ______Years Online
You had me convinced at “New Jersey.” I didn’t even have to read the rest lol.
That’s 2 spooky for me.
There is nothing scarier than buying a game with your own money and then finding out it is a glitchy mess.
Have you ever seen Snowden and Scissorhands in the same place tho.
Yes! We’re all organisming right now! You, me, everyone in the world is organisming! Our cells are organisms that make up structures like our hearts, lungs, our bones, and our skin! Every moment of our precious lives were organisming until we can organism no more!
Getting engaged is a good start. Now they can you know....fondue and stuff.
*There’s a lot to like about Atwell.
Fashion gives zero fucks.
Even with the Pope’s blessing, the Eagles are still only a 6-10 team.
i havent been able to see black mass bc it was sold out last time i went to the movies (lol boston lol it was shot in my neighborhood) but this brings me great joy. johnny is a fucking talent and he has been skating for years on Just Acting Weird in burton films.
I teach at a university level and have had taught a few homeschooled kids over the years. They’re along the same lines as Waldorf/Montessori schooled people in that they sort of do lack social skills, if you define “social skills” as “having other people think they are cool.” The main issue I’ve found with those…
His next project is a remake of Selma starring Channing Tatum as Chet, the brave white man who leads MLK across a bridge.
YES. Also Edison was a dick.
Who’s going to play Tesla?
Please. Stop. Disrespecting. NIKOLA TESLA. He is the one who invented A/C electricity.
Since Mr. Cumberbatch tends to make my lady parts tingly this works. But I’m going to hate watching him portray one of the greatest assholes in American history.
So, in super-weird, I’m homeschooling my kid at the moment. And, everyone is freaked out.