Ruby Bruiseday

my seven year old daughter literally just ran from her bedroom to see what I was watching and said "omg mom that's a talented baby! It's like baby joker!"

"Nailed it."

also her facebook caption for Michelangelo's Davids penis was 'Lol penis'

I was fascinated with my boners when I was younger. I got erections from time to time and was curious about what was going on, but I never actually asked anyone what was going on down there. Then, an older kid in the neighborhood told a bunch of us tykes that it was called a boner when your penis got hard. Well, I


The teacher said "Uh, Mr. Mindymoo's Dad, that's a very festive costume." My dad was exhausted from sleep deprivation and when it dawned on him that there was no play, he just kind of high tailed it out of there. The other kids looked at me kind of dumbfounded, wondering why I was dressed as a turkey. Since I didn't

I was convinced it was a fool proof plan.

That's actually pretty cute. My parents didn't encourage my creepyness, I was just born that way. They actually told me to tone down my vocab when I started school because they were afraid other kids wouldn't like me.

Now to me.

I'm super impressed that you created that out of kitchen materials at seven years old. Impressed and jealous at your creative genius.

Not mine, but Barnacle Bill was 2 when his little sister was born. His mom had gone through a pretty rough labor, so when he went into see her she was pale and exhausted.

When I was 4 years old, my pappap passed away. Being 4, I didn't have much of a concept of what death meant - I probably kept asking when he was coming back. My parents explained to me that people get old, and when they get old, they will die and go away forever.

As a seven year old, I raided the kitchen for my art supplies. I took some herbs, green food coloring, lemon juice, and turmeric powder to create this. My dad was so angry at me for destroying the kitchen and geting half the spice cabinet all over the floor, but he took this, and he framed it because he thought it was

I was a creepy child, as in I was bad at socializing and I knew too many words. Essentially, I was a very small old person who read encyclopedias and watched daytime television. I was also bald (which my mom tried to cover with tiny hats) for the first few years of life to complete the picture.

When my dad was driving my brother, his friend and me home from school when I was in kindergarten, his friend was talking about how his class was having a Thanksgiving play. I thought to myself, "I want to be in a Thanksgiving play", so I chimed in that my class was having one too! I said that there were so many

I have a few.

Around age 7 I was obsessed with Transformers. When my parents bought a Suburban I was convinced it was Optimus. I would lie down in the third row and talk to him. We were going to get married.

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

Great idea! I hope you can get women of a variety of ages and colorings to participate. I'm too shy but I bet you will get a big response.

You put that a lot more politely than I would have :) Maybe I like dressing like Aunt Ethel or a rockabilly monstrosity, ya know.