Ruby Bruiseday

Tara Strong has only been voicing Harley since Arkham City, it was always Arleen Sorkin before that.

No love for Tara Strong, the voice actor of Harley Quinn? I think she was/is instrumental in the character's longevity and instant recognizibility.

When I was pregnant I used to alleviate boredom by dancing to the Michael Jackson game for Kinect. Not to induce labour, just... For funsies.

We tried everything, finally gave up, realizing the birth would never happen. We went out for Japanese food (and a little sake) and seven hours later our daughter arrived.

From the front view I was like "meh, she really doesn't look that pregnant." Then at the side view, "HOLY HELL GET THE BABY OUT ALREADY."

"genetic sexual attraction is normal" —- please don't say stuff like this. You follow this up a sentence or two later saying that you were an abuse victim. This is NOT normal, do NOT attempt to normalize your experience. This may be COMMON, but DON'T say it's normal. It is not ok.

I can imagine this: people who fall in love often speak of instant recognition that they have with their potential partner. With a genetic family member, I imagine that there is a similar instant recognition that the author describes. We have no model for this in a platonic fashion and so, perhaps, the circuits get

This is some brave shit.

"I am very current"

Lizzie wore it best.

Aww my mom, who is awesome, but who never really thought much about gay issues unless I was ranting about them called me when that video came out to tell me how stupid it is and how sad it is about the way gay people have been and are treated. She was in tears. I asked her what brought it on and she said she had just

Moms are the best.

Because of Gilda's death though, there has been a greater push to understand ovarian cancer and its genetic components, as well as better screening for it especially among women with Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. Her death was an absolute tragedy and I so wish she could have been there last night to celebrate the show

I miss Phil Hartman so much. I also miss Chris Farley. Both their deaths make me sad, for different reasons.

I love Kristen Wiig, but cannot fucking stand The Californians.

I thought Wayne's World would have gone over 50x better if they'd stopped at one Kanye joke. Instead they brought it back like 3 more times, and it just felt awkward and desperate.

Oh. My. God. Caribou Barbie has graduated to Caribou Cougar and it is a sight to behold.

Pretty sure you are legally obligated to propose marriage to such a man upon meeting him.

True story: I was a camp counselor when I was 17 and in charge of six 8 year old girls for the summer. We were all about to go to sleep when one girl pulled back the covers to her cot to find a scorpion in the "ready" position. I wanted to scream and run but could not, as somehow the camp put me in charge of these

All items come with hidden drug pockets.