Ruby Bruiseday

Did just the cosplayers receive the prizes? It’s a photography contest, too, surprised the photographers didn’t win anything!

Isn't bangers & mash an irish dish? Toad in the hole is exquisite, my SIL married a British dude and they made it for my husband and I. OMG it's like food coma heaven.

Just finished the first Wayward Pines book is this going to be a show now?

For the record, I just read that Yale-New Haven (I think, otherwise another CT hospital) is offering no2 for deliveries on an arranged basis or something. Sadly, I'm about 30 minutes away and don't want to risk a roadside birth ha

I would love to see Carly too! She actually mentions on the show that her eyebrows won't grow, no matter how much she leaves them alone I just want to grab her face and fill them in for her though!

She seems perfect for one of those Bachelor spinoff orgy shows they always air on the off season

I was about to bring up how obvious it was that cece and Coach should be a thing but because of Schmidt it turned into a mess of a storyline and they couldn't commit to making that happen and what a mess

I actually had to stop watching Friends on Netflix for just this reason! Seen the series beginning to end about three times, and this time the Ross and Rachel shenanigans have just made me disgusted with the whole show so sad because the rest is great!

My husband's family is Italian and Cherokee. He looks see through white, but his sister has this beautiful dark skin, and is constantly lectured about skin cancer because of her "tan"

I started with LoL, and enjoy the streams, the tourneys, and when I go to PAXs, I like to visit LoL land, sometimes in costume. Although a lot of players are complete twats, it's a fun game to play and watch. I'm 4 months pregnant right now and haven't been able to sit long enough to play any serious matches, but

God dammit I'm trying to escape that article, but it's not happening today... I swear she forgot she was talking to the Internet with that piece.

The fact that he's right doesn't make me want to murder him any less when that sigh escapes. Doubly so if it's followed up by a "oh, here we go again..."

I was in line to pick up my ComicCon pass and realized I didn't have my wallet. Hats off to my patient husband and huge group of friends for putting up with me while I flipped out, checking car, suitcase, and everyone's bag. No luck. I was not really worried about not being able to drink or get anything as hubby and I

A+ for Romy and Michelle reference.

Liquid it just rolls off and onto the floor? Ewwwwww

isn't the point of gender discrimination to not discriminate based on gender ANYTHING? Like, if she was dressed appropriately for work according to dress code, then she is following the rules. Like if men were required to wear suits and women dresses, but a woman decided to wear a suit to work, she is still within the

is it bad that I looked at this picture and was like "she's wearing the chain wrong" because apparently I'm 90 and the chain goes behind your head so you don't lose your glasses

wait, why?

Last time I saw XMen they started playing bridesmaids. Jon Hamm loudly fucking Kristen Wiig to a theater crowded full of confused families and nerds.

you could cut that tension with a knife! I appreciate the balls, but he was kind of a douche as a bachelor.