I now just fast forward until I see people actually sitting in front of Chris Harrison. Sucks with Hulu though, like 18 commercials for 45 minutes of show
I now just fast forward until I see people actually sitting in front of Chris Harrison. Sucks with Hulu though, like 18 commercials for 45 minutes of show
Digg is still around?
we also have to talk about the bullshit that is "at will" employment. Any misconduct at work by management cannot be changed when they can fire the complaintants for no reason.
ohhhh I didn't even KNOW they came out on iPad! now I have to get them!
I am playing LoL, Diablo 3, and Hearthstone. I got Portal and started playing it (never had before) but it makes me SO motion sick! Anyone have that happen? I can only do like one level a day. I also just started playing Candy Crush, it's terrible, and addictive.... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
I was researching a chip to put in my hand to like open my doors and stuff, but i'M liking this next gen chip! The whole idea is amazing and groundbreaking if people can get over the whole "the man" fear.
I feel like my husband and I were the only ones excited about this last year when they unveiled it at PAXEast. We did both closed and open beta and still play. It's a alot of fun, and now that they have the ipad app I can waste even MORE time. We used to play the physical card game and the MAGIC game on PS. It's a lot…
you forgot Tiberius. What a powerful middle name.
Can we edit this article for grammar plz? Sorry for being that guy.
I have a treadmill desk I rigged myself. It's not a bad setup she has going into it, it's the amount of calories she's saying she ingested. Her body must be like consuming muscle and organs at this point to stay alive.
Nursing student here, looking to be a wound care nurse. I definitely need to check my dinner table conversation because I forget that exploding colonoscopy bags and rotting abdominal wounds are NOT appropriate while eating.
I am so freaking nervous but I hope my LoL Karma cosplay for PAXEast this year makes it here! I've almost finished the arduino! Everyone here is so good!
Which are probably leather! Like, fur without the hair! Also, I NEED this bag.
Yes, exactly! If the fur was from, say, Pandas or some other endangered species, then I would understand the outrage. As it stands, people who write/publish these pieces need to count to 10 and really think about what they're about to write. It's pretty hypocritical.
Everyone gets all psycho about fur, but it's okay to wear leather? So like as long as you remove the hair, you guys are okay with it?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that was the funniest shit ever. Also largest apt in NYC ever.
Who is he and why did his mother name him Hannibal?
The quote "he's the one I usually go to about things like this" broke me.
I was the only Abigail I knew until I went to college (in 2000). Then it became like the 3rd most popular name. I'll be in a store and I'll hear ABBY DON'T TOUCH THAT and I immediately drop whatever I'm looking at, with a guilty face.