
I Got A Job after months of worry and interviews.

It's getting to commonplace to dump on Taylor. Maybe she can be the next?

[insert mean comment about celebrity]

I feel so average now :(

He seems like a guy who thinks up cool stuff and helps make it. I like that.

Or subway tile!

I like friends with money.

She must be seriously wealthy

Random side note: I live in a city and last summer I saw a groundhog walking through my mini backyard and I thought it was a wombat. (I live in Boston, not Australia.)


God. Take solace in the fact that you are not over reacting at all. That story just reminded me of the absolute worst part of dating. Why can't people just be upfront and honest with each other?!

Congrats on the 19 days. Just came back from a trip to the corner store myself! I got sour straws in strawberry.

Wearing my hair down!

Life sucks hard sometimes/often. I'm sorry you're going through this,

I have a graduate degree, three years experience, and awesome references and I can’t get a teaching job that's dont even actually want or believe in that pays 50k a year so I can pay off the loans I took out to get the fucking job. Also, if I can’t get a job in a year. I’ll lose my house. Also, my husband is a

This made me excited for the colder months!

Me too!

But what was the motive?

I agree. I've never heard this detail.

To be fair, they did a lot more shows than just those.