
YAY FOR LINGUISTICS! I only took one linguistics class in college, but I was fascinated by the misconceptions that were elucidated to me about language. Pretty much everyone criticizes the language of others and feels their own use of language is superior. But what linguists will tell you is that language just is, and

Odd that there isn't a reciprocal warning for men about the "dangers" of cohabitating with a woman - such as "If you give the steak away for free no one will want to feed the cow or trip over his clothes on the floor or put the toilet seat down for the umpteenth time or rinse the whiskers out of the fucking sink one

Guys, the Biggest Loser is some disgusting and exploitative garbage, and there are good arguments to be made that they're promoting some really unhealthy and disturbing ideas. But let's not concern-troll this woman who we don't know, and whose health we don't know anything about.

i actually do that with all of my clothes. in the morning i had a variety of clothes i would slip and and out of trying to figure out which one would be the least distracting. throughout the day, socks, shoes, and laces have always been a major point of contention. i'd want to readjust the seams, the sock heel, and

When I was a kid, my doctor told my parents they thought I might have leukemia, but it turned out I was just undernourished and it was negatively impacting my immune system, so I kept getting sick. Once my diet improved, I stopped bruising so easily and being tired all the time and getting sick so much. After that

yesyesyesyesyes A THOUSAND TIMES YES to this.

This is actually exactly what happened to me. I have both depression and ADHD but my depression hid the hyperactivity very well... Until I
It was treated.

Seriously. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar when I really had ADHD. Does that mean bipolar doesn't exist? Of course not. I feel so much for anyone truly suffering from it. I just didn't have it and being misdiagnosed made my life a living hell. So those comments are the stupidest logic I've ever heard. I really hate

My doctor accidentally wrote "2013" on this month's prescription instead of 2014 and the pharmacy Would. Not. Budge. I had just come from the doctor, asked them to please just call the office to confirm this had been a mistake (hey, it was January 2nd!), showed them my ID, etc... nothing. I had to drive across town,

My BIL posted some bullshit a while back about how the "inventor" of ADHD said it wasn't real. And kids just needed to be beaten more. I explained to him that no one can invent a medical disorder, that I was a well behaved child without behavior problems, typical girl who could compensate for it until I got to

The comparison to societal views of depression is a really good/important one — people say "everyone feels sad, you just need to get over it, realize how good your life is," etc. about depression, just as they say "you're just lazy or scatterbrained, it's normal, everyone loses things sometimes" etc. about ADHD. And

And so many people find that their depression & anxiety eases trenendously on the correct ADD meds because your brain is working effeciently. Hey, I can find my keys, I didn't forget my appointment & I didn't overdraw my bank account because I remembered to catalog my purchases! Makes life a lot easier.
Anyone who

Thank you for this. I haven't even touched the greys, because I can't today.

I was once suspected to have adult ADHD in college. It turns out that I have bipolar II and OCD. My OCD makes it very hard for me to concentrate and when I'm manic, I have a hard time focusing on ANYTHING. I still need to be doing two things at once most of the time but it's not ADHD. I am so glad I found a better

Google - I think it's Patricia Quinn, MD. She may have some answers for you on that.

Honestly, I don't think anyone does, which is the problem. One of the biggest reasons that women have been excluded from clinical trials is because they have natural hormone fluctuations with menstruation, and that makes it harder to judge apparently whether medications are performing and how effective they are.

I believe that there are plenty of people who genuinely need Adderall (or other similar drugs) to cope with real ADHD.

Sorry, but I cheered at this article. This girl is in a situation where it is clear she is being emotionally violated, and based on the tone of the article it would not be surprising to me if it went beyond that. She is not being protected or advocated for by her mother, and it seems like she is the oldest sibling.

Seriously. White privilege in four words: "or worse, the microwave"

Dear America,