Rub Lowe

Although unfortunately it may exponentially increase the chances of Reece being a casualty. That's where I got the impression that this episode was going.

This needs more upvotes

I've seen Caviezel do a great Christopher Walken impression and his Fusco was pretty dead on. Emerson's Root impression was also hilarious, especially enjoyed the flick of the hair and the casual sideways head tilt.

I'm guessing the reviews will be up on day R.

Dammit Samaritan, stop deleting POI reviews.

Any day is a good day for shit flavored ice cream. I love assholes!

"..which is one of the things that is pooh-poohed now in the cable age, where every show has to be a novel, and it’s sort of self-evident that will go away at some point soon."

Jon Snow's first words: "Ow, that hurt."

Lies. Her diploma from Kanye West University will surely come in handy.

"There are no two words more harmful to a superhero than 'Good job'".

B- my ass. Solid A episode. It reminded me of the low-stakes, scenario driven adventures of earlier seasons where many of the most hilarious gags would eventuate from. This episode had everything.

The show being a Broadway adaptation of Batman.

You also forgot the unplanned yet mandatory Shahi pregnancy a few seasons into her role.

I would have watched it if only one of the four main cast members could have stayed. I would have watched if it was just Carter's lifeless corpse walking around as long as we had some compelling story telling to explore. Which we would have.

Fuck. That.

How did you know?

I could have settled for one or two more 13 episode seasons. If the procedural aspect was toned down a bit, there was so much subject matter than can be explored with a show such as this.

Here's my "POI Cheat Sheet":
Watch last couple of episodes of S1(20-23), followed by their S2 resolution. Scan the episode guide and watch anything with Elias, Nathan Ingram, machine or Finch's backstory.
S2: Caleb episode, anything with reference to 'man in the suit' or FBI, Kara Stanton, early Sarah Shahi (Shaw)

Hank's fake mustache will never get old. Classic.

I don't even care about the many things that didn't make sense, it was just an incredibly enjoyable episode. I only hope they didn't go all out here and the rest of the season will drag as much as the last couple of episodes.