Rub Lowe

I agree, the episode was completely overstuffed. Instead of having half an episode of action and half of relationship drama like we usually do, we get an episode full of four or so subplots jumping from sequence to sequence and completely sucking all the excitement and suspense out of it. They could have easily broken

I am officially denouncing the Venture Bros and refusing to watch the coming season as moral protest in favor of human decency. I will not have my emotions toyed with and conditioned in this way. I refuse to jump up and down, bark or run around in a circle at the announcement of a new season only to be left cold and

This is what we get after almost five months of radio silence on POI? No disrespect to J.J, but it I knew opinions were news worthy I would have been conducting mass polling on POI months ago. Subways, street corners, cubicles, you name it.

The hair didn't match..

Okay. Fucking unreal…

Zoom seems to be an amalgamation of The Rival (blue streak), Black Flash (costume and demonic nature), and Zoom (so far mostly just the name). I still think the strongest case for his alter ego is Earth-2 Eddie, given that E1 Eddie's body was sucked into the singularity, which would have been seen by Zoom on the other

"My name is Eobard Thawne, and I was the fastest man alive. Just before my death, I saw myself being killed by something impossible. To the outside world I was a brilliant scientist who invented Star Labs and build the particle accelerator, but secretly I used my speed to fight The Flash and find others like me. One

I'll agree that they're been having a hard time reconciling the mob B plot with the main one, but if anything you could see they were trying to integrate it more this season. Dominic's death while anticlimatic is a reminder about what kind of show this really is, and I have no doubt that the writers will be bringing


Interesting, interesting.

E) He ran so fast he temporally displaced himself.. to exactly where he needed to be. There, now you have five solutions. It's ok to ask questions as long as you have a variety of plausible answers to choose from.

Is Star Labs like the local bar people just turn up to whenever they feel like waltzing into the Flash's base of operations? First it was Iris last week, then Wells hiding right under their noses, and the icing on the cake was Captain Cold, just strolling through an apparently secure fortress of science and

Was the battery actually necessary? We were told the machine can't really function compressed until it is let out again, so why keep it on ice so to speak? I understand the "She's still alive" metaphor but think it could have been equally poignant if we saw Her power off/die before her imminent rebirth next season.

Called it

For what it's worth, I think someone in the bank will die- possibly Fusco or Elias. Dominic is smart, calculating and resourceful, but in my opinion his weakness lies in his need to control. When he is faced with a situation that undermines his authority, which I imagine is not something he's encounters very often, he

Ever since Root took "a course in Bad Ass", she can pretty much do anything. I can understand the trajectory calculating with the help of the Machine, but neck snapping and hand to hand combat are not things you can simply pick up that quickly, even with step by step instructions from an artificial intelligence.

Some things about the show are sometimes nonsensical if given the thought, but not these events. The Samaritan personnel take orders from an Artificial Intelligence, they wouldn't seek retribution for her because it's simply not their place. Given Samaritan's recruitment process and world view, it's clear it doesn't

This episode was incredibly enjoyable! The attention to detail was also exceptional. I really thought the events we witnessed in MIA were an orchestrated dead-end, more of a way for the characters to play out their grief than an pragmatic search for Shaw, but this show proved me wrong, the end of the search leading to

Give that Martha woman an Emmy already.

Pastor Tim and his wife are dead, Paige to be sent to Russia.