Rub Lowe


I kept calling FX demanding to speak to a Seymour last name Butz, then hanging up… Come to think of it, it's probably my fault.

Out of the ones who consistently speak Russian, yes. Notable exception is Peter Von Berg, who is so convincing he could fool native Russian speakers with his accent coach and stage experience. Michael Aronov (who plays the defective Russian Jewish scientist Anton Baklanov from last season) most likely has a Russian

Hey, this was four months ago and I stand corrected. Can you blame me? Most of team machine would quip at one another in similar fashion, so the nature of Shoot's relationship was not immediately obvious to me until the writers developed it further.

I only have one disagreement as you hinted that less intense/breather episodes automatically decrease in rating. The threat in this show is always present in the background, and while we didn't have any major overarching plot this week, I felt the tension as Reese and Finch scrambled to put the pieces back together

This was a solid A or A- for me. This episode had John and Harold going back to basics, and I was loving every minute of it. Rare John-centric episode with equally fleeting glimpses into what drives and motivates him as well as his sentimentality. The humor in the hotel room was very well done, and Reese punching the

That's not how I saw it at all. What we saw in this episode were flashbacks highlighting her mother's level of patriotism and the socio-politican world view at the time. I don't believe either Phillip or Elizabeth, having lived the life that they have and seen what they've seen rationalize in those kinds of black and

Tomato, tom-ah-to

*puts on thick Russian accent*
"I do not understand. Zey respect homeland, but not U.S.?"

Does anyone want to know the actual translation? It was along the lines of, "My dearest Nadejda, I was just thinking about how you used to wait for me in our kitchen, in this very chair. I would get angry at you and ask you why you wouldn't put the time to better use and do something more productive. You simply

I want them to kiss and cut through the sexual tension already.

It's a fine line, really. This is a superhero show which means you can't take it too seriously, and I like how it knows this by the quips the writers put in there sometimes. Hypothetically, Barry could just disarm everyone extremely fast, tie them up, put them somewhere they can't harm anyone, etc and so forth, but

Theories suggest she may not have been killed.. yet.

Actually, it could have been Samaritan? But great catch.

Teary, very teary.

Fuck Hannibal

Hey now. Aren't you aware of the shirt-less Felicity rule? It states that if you encounter a shirt-less Felicity, she automatically defies all common sense. Sorry.

Hello and welcome to Buzzkill News. This week on The Flash:

That's true, but they're only the ones worth watching. I would think Elias would be responsible for handing down a death sentence every other week. Do you think a man as morally sensitive as Finch would ever consider working with a mob boss no matter how reasonable? It's just one of the many improbable scenarios in

Given how well Robert Knepper embodies The Clock King, I think he deserves more screen time. There is always one villain without powers who is clever enough to operate around superheroes and I think The Clock King could do very well on this show given the chance.