Rub Lowe

It wasn't up to him. He's number 2.

I am finally starting to see the full extent of Root's character. All the anthropomorphic references to the machine as a feminine Goddess are finally starting to make sense to me. There's something fundamental in here about creation and nurture. "Machines" have been Root's only friend since she was a child, nurturing

You mean, "Oh, no!"

When Elias warned Harold to stay out of his way, it was a testament to great characterisation. I realized I had grown so accustomed to Elias, familiar with his "code of ethics", motives and general badass-ery that I had completely forgotten that Team Machine is in no way on his side now, or when and if he attempts to

Don't forget The Sopranos

Link came out of it with barely a scratch! A broken arm and a bandage above the eye. Ridiculous. But I have a feeling it's the internal scars that are going to matter more in this case.

"Just when I thought I was out.. [Team Machine] pull me back in."

To me, it seems a little early in the season for a showdown of this magnitude. If I were to guess I'd say that Martine will leverage innocent civilians to get Shaw to walk out quietly, kidnapped her for interrogation purposes. Some Shoot bonding may eventuate from that development.

I am shocked and intrigued at the same time. Do go on.

I see what you did there. It's great to finally realize that the cat got its powers from the particle accelerator. Before the accident, it was just a cat that liked sitting on newspapers.

Or… you could use a corrosive substance and dump it on him. I mean, surely that would beat trying to punch him from 5.3 miles away. The impact of that punch was also extremely underwhelming.

In retrospect, that was a silly question.

Well, technically the Machine would call and spell it out in phonetics, but yeh.

One thing I'm not clear on- shouldn't the private network Team Machine is using apply to apps as well? Even if this wasn't the case, Shaw would be too smart to have any GPS services activated.

He thinks he's people!

I have a counter-theory. I propose that Elias' entire crew is completely wiped out, and being the only survivor, he is forced to hide in the abandoned train station with Finch. Then a series of gags from The Odd Couple may or may not ensue.

Because she's worth it.

I'm just glad that someone can finally deliver dialog about cirlces without having to include the words "flat" or "time".

*giggles at statement's implication in local slang*

So we close the episode with the biggest cliffhanger this season, if not one of the biggest in the entire show. Shaw is staring down the barrel of a gun and Elias is the machine's new number. This of course means that I will, from this point onward until next week's episode, be officially locking myself in a dungeon