Rub Lowe

So thaats why they call him the streak.

I haven't watched the episode yet, but judging by this week's visual can I assume that Barry is incredibly constipated?


how seriously is it likely to take things like narrative and characterological consistency?

If you're watching this show for the scrutiny of physical fight scenes or even the atmospheric tension of physical events, this isn't the show for you. It's been building up a plot that's consistently increasing in complexity and layered intensity from the end of the first season- and that's where the tensions comes

There's a lot of love for Jesse L Martin, but am I the only one who appreciates Tom Cavanagh? I've always admired subtle actors who don't need to over-act to get their intentions across dramatically, and I think he's one of them. I'm glad he's finally found a prominent enough vehicle since Ed to adequately exercise

*Place the five, carry the one… Damn, made a mistake. Where's the eraser?*

though I cringe because they are going to have a talking Gorrilla on network TV

It's meta-Humans vs meta-Gorillas, dammit! Where have you been? "Super" is so yesterday.

"I needed to show you how cool my powers are, while at the same time trying to convince you to forget about how cool my powers are."

You have to keep the plot moving somehow. Even then, Iris seems the type to have 'Lois Lane' style stubbornness- a la "I'm doing something greater than myself to inspire others, and if I get in trouble you'll be there to save me" mentality.

Congratulations, you have just won $3,000! To claim your prize, simply turn left at the next intersection, enter the third building on your right, and fix their internet connection!! It's that easy!! But this exclusive offer will only be available for the next FIVE minutes!! So ACT NOW!!!!

I find that the more relevant the show tries to be, the more formulaic it seems. The ideas that come out of the writing are great, but some twists and turns are just very obvious- from Bear being brought in for a random drug bust to the dialog between the two relevant agents, which seemed rather forced. Even the fight

My money's still on Reece kicking the metaphorical bucket. Literally

Samaritan calling for tech support. Literally. I thought "tech support" was code for something more killy.

I'm not replying to my own posts, I'm masturbating- I think. If I have sex with some less attractive versions of myself is it considered incest, masturbatin or playful experimentation?

Looks like my work here is done.

Am I late again?

There were reports and articles, yes, but that alone doesn't indicate The Man in The Suit was popular enough to have reached cult status or was revered by a group of followers. That's probably why John's perceived impact on the city has never been brought up by the general public. The show is happy to imply that The

SWEAR TO ME!!!!!!!